how can i stop hair loss and make my hair thick as b4? help plzz!!?


How do I get my mommy to stop smoking ?

1) surgery

2) spine extentions

3) cut down cigarettes or perhaps drugs (?)

4) stop intake junk food or cooking near overdoses of oil or margarine

Will my period start soon?

heard applying wine or hang down of avocado plant to your scalp help grow down back.
brush and squeeze your hair/ scalp daily.
don't bind up your fuzz all the time especially when drizzling.
use hair tonic.

I own spina bifida and have some concerns near my intimant life.?

Remedies to Prevent Hair Loss

Reduce Hair Loss With A Thorough Head Massage

How can I relieve my cramps?

Take few neem leaves,aawala,reetha and put these things in coconut grease.Warm it for 2min ,cool and strain it.Use this oil regularly.use herbal shampoo or silkesha.whenever u chafe while applying oil or using shampoo,use your finger tips and beside light strokes.thigs will bring back better after2weeks.GOOD LUCK.

There are lots of ways to stop hair loss but the first step is to find out why you are losing it. There are lots of cause for hair loss including thyroid lack of correspondence, hormones, stress, diet. Have you had any blood work done by a doctor? Have you made any focal changes to your diet lately? Any surgery? Changed BCPs? Started bright medication?

When you have sex, for the first time, does the womanly bleed? if so why?

I had impossible to tell apart problem. My solution? I use aloe vera shampoo to make my quill thick and shiny. It also help prevent split ends. I also take Hair, Skin, and Nails vitamins. I trade name sure my diet has plenty protein to ensure healthy hackle growth (poor nutrition also causes curls loss). After shower, when the hair is most fragile, I apply aloe vera gel and also use a leave-in conditioner so I can comb my tresses easily in need having to do business with tangle. The aloe vera products, by the way, are available within some beauty stores. Bottomline: try the simple remedies first back buying expensive hair restoration products. So far, the steps I've mentioned here help and I don't have problems in the region of clogged drains anymore, hehe :-)

What dose it mean when they read aloud they see the sac in a pregnancy but not the embryo?


There are heaps hair loss products available on the internet. Unfortunately some of them are discouraging but there are some righteous ones.

I suffered from hair loss three years ago and bought deeply of treatments, over $1000 worth. Basically, I wasted my money on a great deal of uneffective products before I finally found one that worked.

The quill loss treatment below is a product that an old friend recommended to me and it have really helped me.

The product shows both masculine and females how to strengthen, restore AND revitalize hair instinctively without side effects.

What does anaemic tight?

Melanie has the right concept. I am 38 and I have be through this 4 different times. The first time I was taking Seldane for my allergies (it be later removed from the market). The subsequent two times it was when my thyroid be off be a foil for. The final time was when I be taking Zocor. The good word is my hair come back as gooey as ever once my thyroid was straightened out and when I quit taking the pills.

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