I keep haveing nightmares How do I get them to stop?

Please help me!

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It is a common problem presently a days of stress filled energy.

I think if you finish your dinner at most minuscule two hours before you travel to sleep ,that will help you.

Next the best opening to go to sleep is reading a pleasant fresh .
don't read or think any entry related to violence, horror ,blood etc.
Have pleasant thoughts.Remember the time when you be very satisfied...and keep on recollecting those sweet memories and slip into sleep.
Praying will specifically help.In India we prat Lord Hanuman ( an ardent devotee of Sri Rama, the Hero of Indian Epic Ramayanam).Actually that help me and many.
Similarly ,a prayer of your principle will give you right result.Don't pray to Him to give this and that.basically say ''All is yours...Thy will be done..God Bless me''That will be satisfactory.He knows best what to dispense, when to give, whom to endow with.
I wish and pray that your nightmares should fall immediately and you hold a pleasant deep sleep every hours of daylight.So bless God.

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Make sure you don't have any chocolate earlier you go to bed. Thing pleasant thoughts while you drift sour to sleep.

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i use to enjoy the same. i of late prayed alot. i still have them once contained by a while. it sux i think am not contented with my go rite now so it might be reflect in my dreams

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You should avoid hard to digest meals prior going to bed, since they get faster your metabolism and might help giving you nightmares.
The most adjectives causes are,
anxiety or stress are the most adjectives cause: a principal life event precedes the birth of nightmares in 60% of cases
malady with a confusion
death of a loved one (bereavement)
adverse spontaneous effect to or side effect of a drug
recent withdrawal from a drug such as sleeping pills
effect of alcohol or excessive alcohol consumption
short alcohol withdrawal
breathing disorder in sleep (sleep apnea)
sleep disorders (narcolepsy, sleep apprehension disorder)
If you could pinpoint the cause from one of the items timetabled, it will help you and try and become conscious what is going on.
But remember, nightmares and dreams are our brain's way of recounting us about our subconcious fears or unsolved issues, so it the area is recurring try and see if you can come out near the message your subconcious is trying to send you.

Is this mundane?

That depends on the cause. Common cause for nightmares are stress, anxieties, and fears which are manifested (in mixed, sometimes illogical ways) contained by dreams. Your mind unwinds the day, at darkness. Not necessarily in a logical opening. Actually, often surrounded by crazy, abstract ways. Things in your subconscious are displayed in dreams/nightmares, so you may want to think just about what's going on with you. Do you hold any particular stressors, or anxieties? Any unresolved fears or issues next to someone or yourself? Secrets, or other things you are hiding? Seek to resolve - or at least consult about, these things next to someone you can trust. Bringing things into the light - can relief you have a more restful time, within the dark. Hope this help, hon.

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it works

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I aversion to say it, but try using a sleeping pill. Nightmares and vivid dreams are cause by lack of REM sleep. Its a vicious cycle, the more nightmares you own, the less sleep you draw from, the less sleep you take, the less REM you seize, thus more nightmares. If you can break this cycle- with the sleeping pill- you will know how to get your REM sleep minus the nightmares.

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Eat smaller number sugar- too much raises your serotonin, and too much serotonin = nightmares.

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