Could I be having an annovulatory cycle?

Here are my cycles( 5/23, 6/6 was taking ovulex beside these cycles)7/7, 8/5. LMP was 8/5 still haven't see my period, usual temp is 97.12- 97.32 Now my temps are 98.46-98.66 Can I be pregnant or is this an annovulatory cycle? My cycle range is 28-30 days

GIRL grill.?

You should contact your Doctor. If you have question or concerns about any type of medication you are on.
The feminine reproductive system is very flexible. One year you could be close to an old clock and be on the dot, then others you could not describe what is what.
You could be having a redeploy in your hormones due to masses things including medications. So it is not surprising if your cycle is "off". If it have been more than 6 weeks since your ultimate period, and your are usually "on schedule", later go to the Doctor and enjoy a few tests run beside a check -up. Hope all go well. Good Luck..

does anyone know how much substance you need to lose to run down in dress size?

It could be the Fertility Drugs that U R On this cause U to not have it sometimes for a month or 2 I've be thru this years ago

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