I hold bells palsy. Today I own be sense a twitching contained by my cheek. Good or bleak sign?

Answers:    When I first got Bells Palsy...

I feel a twitching sensation in the hours in the past losing movement to that area. My mouth go first. I thought I had a stroke so I go to the hospital. While there my eyelid started to twitch and by that darkness my eye no longer closed at all.

When my frontage "woke up" I felt matching twitching sensation as well. Only piece is that it is not a quick piece. It will wake up slowly compared to the speed within which it became paralyzed.

Hope this help you some. Ive written a few article on Bells Palsy. Ill list them surrounded by case you might resembling to look them over and maybe gain something from them.

Tips for Living near Bells Palsy and Its Symptoms

Confronting Bell's Palsy: An Informative Look at Symptoms, Treatment

I just looked-for you to know it gets better. If you hold any questions you can go them in the comment wedge of my articles and Ill try to answer them in the comment slice as well.

Good Luck :-)
possibly a dutiful sign - i had it too and it last about a month later it went away - steroids similar to prednisolone helps if started hasty I'm sorry, I don't know whether that's good or discouraging.

But I had to answer. I've never hear of anyone having bells palsy since my grandma. She be my best friend and she died four years ago. She was diagnosed when I be in second level. Seeing it here on the computer made me lose my breath for a minute.

Her one eye wouldn't close on its own, and the one side of her face sag a lot. She couldn't really have a feeling ilt.

So if your cheeks twitching, I'm not expecting it to be good.

It would probably be moral to see your doctor.

But i don't even really know what bells palsy is.

But I hope you're okay. I really do. Good luck.

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