PLEASEE HELP MEE.. sooo embaressing! : (

okay so i am 17 years old.. and well i poped my cherry similar to last weekend.. im really scared right presently..cause im scared i hold Bacterial vaginosis (BV) :( :( i think i got it from my boyfriend but hes a virgin?! the heck am i going to explain to my mom..that oh i purely popped my cherry and this happened? >> she would smack me silly..and i would get contained by A LOT A LOT of trouble...
i want to get rid of this..cause its outstandingly embaressing and smelly..
like how am i sappose to go on a date beside my boyfriend if thats all i can smell..YUCK..
the discharge is like grayish/brownish..STINKS similar to pee and fish..
how the hell am i going to get rid of this..without letting my mom no..
i no i want to see a doctor..but i cant tell her that...cause she will ask why i call for to see one HELP..
seriously i desperately need to get rid of this...
im within desperate need of help!

Answers:    Ok- first off- you NEED to shift to a doctor. Have a family memeber take you. What is going on can not be fixed by anyone writing to you here. I longing it could. Don't be embarrised. Tell your mother that you need to see an OBGYN because you think you may enjoy a yeast infection (which can happen all on its own) if you discern that you really cant tell her. I am not encoruaging you to lie- but getting checked out is very significant. Talk to your doctor- please dont be afraid to tell him or her everything. Privacy laws even for a minor are applicable to you- and your doctor will not speak about everything to your mother. Hang in there- take guardianship of yourself. That is the most important thing of all- and further more do it for the sake of your bf as well- incase its something that you both have need of to treat. I know your scared- but take care of yourself. If you consent to it go and it gets worse- the problem will acquire worse- and sometimes even of something clears up it can still be doing damage depending on whats going on. Again- its probally something simple that some antibiotics can clear up- but please be strong and take keeping of it! Good luck!.
Women get UTI's and yeast infections all of the time, you merely have to tell her that you own a problem, and don't explain anything about the sex (it's none of her business anyway).

When you see the doctor, you can insist on your mother waiting in the waiting room, you want your privacy, and you can narrate the doctor about it and insist that it be kept confidential.

No big deal, in recent times get it taken care of. I hope you used a condom--.
There is no method you can know that you have BV without seeing a DR. And if you do hold BV you can get it other ways besides having sex. (Irritation from underwear, masturbation, only just getting bacteria into your vagina). Women get bacterial infections alot and hold many yeast infections/bladder infections. Just tell your mom that something strange is going on down near and you need to see a doc. Unless you have an STD your mom will not enjoy to find out you had sex. Its probably a yeast infection. Go to the store. They have over-the-counter stuff you can buy to go and get rid of it. If that doesn't work, see if there's a free clinic like planned parenthood within your area. They will help you confidentially. You can bring back this infection without having sex if you involve to tell your Mom..
do you have a free inherited planning clinic you can go to? you can go alone and they won't get you pay for it and they won't tell your parents make clear to them you have no insurance no job and your parents don't want you to be nearby. they will give you a pelvic exam and everything you need seize you tested and all that stuff and they are totally nice about it. i don't know where on earth you are but maybe if you have an elder sister that you can trust someone that might know of a clinic like this... If your boyfriend was a virgin, consequently you were doing something you weren't suppose to be before you took your boyfriend's virginity. Tell your mom inflict if you don't it may lead to something more serious and besides you are growing into a woman and don't nobody want to smell funky cuda..
There should be a "Free Clinic" somewhere in your nouns. (The kind that specialize in birth contriol) They dispense birth control and proffer free exams. Check there first. Look in your sickly pages and start making some calls right away. You patently can't let the prtoblem continue. Good luck.
PS; DO NOT use a douche or over the counter meds lacking
consulting a doc; they can actually aggravate your situation..
If you need your mother's facilitate to go to the doctor, you have to inform her. There are worse things than letting your mother know you had sex, like have a bacterial infection that you can't get rid of. If you absolutely cannot report her, go to a clinic and get it cleared up. You may not necessitate to go to a doctor at all. Go to a pharmacy and buy a mild douche and step home and use that down there. What you are seeing is the blood from your hymen breaking ... what you are smelling is the aftermath of sex. The douche (which means 'wash' within English, it's a French word because this was first done in France) should brand you feel better and also smell less foul. .
adjectives woman get thrush up their from dirty undies or swimming or dirty tampon even sleeping naked so enunciate you think you have that. that approach your alloud to the doctor for your down there and it will get checked and treated! simple and its verry comon surrounded by woman so it will not be a how did you get that deal newly more like a better get some doctors cream. from what my doctor have told me BV is not an std. i doubt you got it from your boyfriend. it is probably cause from have sex for the first time.
if you are truly 17 then you really dont need to let somebody know your mom. just go to the doctor and describe her you think you have a impossible yeast infection but you want to get it checked out..
Go to planned parenthood. You don't even involve an appointment. Just find out when they have free teen walk surrounded by clinic. They keep everything confidential unless you say so. They even enjoy a program called Family Pact so your parents aren't billed for the services on their insurance.
Find a location near you!
It could win worse, just tell your mom, you'll be obliged in the end. Youre not gonna be capable of get any better without a docter's aid or a perscription (however you spell it) medication, and both need a parental signature. Why can't you just bring up to date her you think you have an infection down nearby, but don't say anything about have sex. I know women can get yeast infections without have sex.

In any case, your health is profusely more important than getting in trouble..
Just vote you need to go to the doctor for a spell question and just want to cooperate to him/her on your own as you are a bit embarrassed about it. You're mum doesn't entail to know every little thing about you. You're not for a moment kid anymore. Alrighte...Your 17 years old... um i would tell your mother that you inevitability to make a doctor apt. for something else.. and then when she make the doc apt. tell your doctor that you don't want your mother to know what's going on.. or make a doc apt on your own and own a friend drive you.. .

Check it out!
have her take you to the Doctor end in " you have bad migranes" or some bs resembling that, whatever shell fall for. step in alone tell your doctor you want it to be confidential and after let em know that you have another problem.. Try this site:

It should back explain the symptoms for you, and how to treat this problem. As far as I am aware, you don't 'catch' it a such. It's to do with an imbalance of germs. Good luck .
you don't need a doctor go to the drug store and get hold of a vagisal kit and then lug the test if it is positive get the over the counter cream and use it postpone your date and
for heavens sake from very soon on use a condom seriously go to a planned parenthood and usually you wont own to pay a thing and they will endow with you antibiotics or whatever else you need
merely look up planned parenthood on google, but go at hand its practically free and confidential .
I hope any Kids you have in the adjectives trust you as you do your Mom
In this life, experiences of a KIND will come back and bite you surrounded by the backside. Do not be deceitful for openers, with your best friend MOM lately tell her u think u may enjoy cystitis n u need to see a doctor, then move about in and talk to the doc... did u use protection when u did it? this boy may enjoy said he was a virgin but how do u know he is telling the truth?.
1. You own no fruit between your legs. It's called a hymen.

2. You're going to have to enlighten your mom or go to a free clinic by yourself.

3. Don't have sex if you can't adopt the possible consequences..
sounds like you do have a really unpromising infection. You can't let it wait end in it gets worse and will make a sickening problem for you. Sorry, it's the doctor. Are you sure that's what it is?? Did you leave a tampon or something in in attendance??? By your description (fish smell, grey brown discharge etc.) that could be it..
You will need to get antibiotics to procure rid of a bacterial infection.

And tell your boyfriend to take better safekeeping of his personal hygiene.
Sounds like its his fault..
Tell her you be playing with a dildo that you didnt wash back you used it. You can get it that way too.

Or own someone thats an adult take u to the free clinic.
I don't know but perchance this will help.
First of all, it sounds resembling Clymidia. You have to get medication to acquire rid of it, it's a fairly common STD. look up a free clinic surrounded by your area. They can provide you with free service and medication. You're 17, hunny, hardly a child, you should tell your mom anyways. I bet she would appreciate.

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