My last period was in aug.9-14.I am pregnant but don't know how far, can anyone calculate it for me?PLEASE


Serious question for you women.?

Due Date 5/16/2007 Conception 8/23/2006
Pregnancy Test 9/6/2006 1st Heartbeat 9/20/2006
Quickening 12/12/2006 Viability 1/23/2007

Week 1 8/16/2006 Week 22 1/9/2007
Week 2 8/23/2006 Week 23 1/16/2007
Week 3 8/30/2006 Week 24 1/23/2007
Week 4 9/6/2006 Week 25 1/30/2007
Week 5 9/13/2006 Week 26 2/6/2007
Week 6 9/20/2006 Week 27 2/13/2007
Week 7 9/27/2006 Week 28 2/20/2007
Week 8 10/4/2006 Week 29 2/27/2007
Week 9 10/11/2006 Week 30 3/6/2007
Week 10 10/18/2006 Week 31 3/13/2007
Week 11 10/25/2006 Week 32 3/20/2007
Week 12 10/31/2006 Week 33 3/27/2007
Week 13 11/7/2006 Week 34 4/4/2007
Week 14 11/14/2006 Week 35 4/11/2007
Week 15 11/21/2006 Week 36 4/18/2007
Week 16 11/28/2006 Week 37 4/25/2007
Week 17 12/5/2006 Week 38 5/2/2007
Week 18 12/12/2006 Week 39 5/9/2007
Week 19 12/19/2006 Week 40 5/16/2007
Week 20 12/26/2006 Week 41 5/23/2007
Week 21 1/2/2007 Week 42 5/30/2007


Do you hold to have a indubitable percentage of body fat to start your length?

4-8 weeks possibly got to the doctors the figure and tell you ur due date aswell

The ring Birthcontrol?

i would imagine around 3 weeks.

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4 weeks. Pregnancy properly starts from the end of your final period, even if you hold the conceptional sex a week later. i.e. because your eggs are 'born' (for want of a better word) when you ovulate.

I went to my gyno today, she said i might hold polyps, so i need a sonogram. anyone ever have them?

Count fourteen days from the end of your extent and then supply 9 months.

Growing breasts?

go visit a doctor he/she'l do it for you

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The doctors multiply it from the first day your interval was due, so around 5/6 weeks is a good guess

Mature folks please.?

Under 4 weeks, but go to the doctor for a better estimationa s sometimes its possible to enjoy a period even when your pregnant so could be a bit longer.

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Use your yahoo search dowel and put in pregnancy caculators. It's a million sites that have it. They first want to know when were your closing menstrual and so it. Very helpful.

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why don`t you just move about to the doctor.

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You are currently 5 weeks pregnant and your toddler should be due on 16 May 2007

Hope this helps but you should see your GP to book motherliness care.

Stupid Question for Ladies..?

You count from the first hours of daylight of your last cycle, so you are 4 weeks along. Check out for great info on how your baby is developing and further calculation (like due date.)

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Pregnancy is calculated by your LMP (Last Menstrual Period) which is officially the first light of day of the last time your bled. So if your term started on August 9th, then you would be five weeks pregnant today by this multiplication method.

However, if you're asking when your date of CONCEPTION was, that would be just about 14 days from the LMP, so that would be APPROXIMATELY August 23rd, so you conceived roughly 3 weeks ago.

Medical-- Why can't I stand up>read?

How do you know you are. Because it can be other things going on in your body. Everyone misses now and then. See a doctor or find the test.

My boyfriend have a problem getting it up sometimes. Please read the details i have written. thank you!?

Pregnancy is counted from the first sunshine of the last extent for a total of 40 weeks. For today from Aug 9 is 36 days or about 5 weeks. A simple method for arriving at a due date is to count hindmost three months which would be May and ahead 7 days which would be the 16. Remember that even though it is counted at 5 weeks conception didn't occur until going on for 2 weeks into the cycle and the fertilized egg did not plant into the uterus until about a week after that. Technically you are by a hair`s breadth pregnant but that's how it is counted.

I keep have cramps, but I have not started on the other hand and this has be going on for a couple days now whats wrong?

when did u hav sex?

Navel Bleeding - what cause it?

i'd say you where on earth about 6wks gone but sometimes women can be pregnant enjoy a normal interval the first month then find out when the time of year is due a month after thats what happened to me,so you could be 10wks i'd shift to the doctors and see if he can help.

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4 Weeks.

Really not trying to be mean.?

Congratualations you are four weeks and due date is 21st May 2007 making babe just nearly a Taurus but on the cusp of Gemimi.

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I would guess 3 weeks.

Why am i starting my periods unpunctually?

You should be in your fifth week. Congrats!

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Go to a sex clinic and convey them , it's free and confidential.
Do it soon though before it is too unpaid, and you miss scans etc and are incompetent to give the babe-in-arms what is best, or change your mind if you want to!

YEEEOWCH! this begin to anyone else?

You really need to see a doctor.

Have you ever have a colposcopy?

My pregnancy book calculates that if your end period started on August 9th, your due date is May 16th. A pregnancy is 40 weeks, so you would be call 5 weeks pregnant today!
Congratulations! How amazing that around now your infant's heart is starting beating,the bloodstream and digestive system are forming - even though he/she is one and only the size of a coffee bean! I really enjoyed my pregnancies and following the stages of nouns. It is fun to get a upright pregnancy book with pictures.
All the best!

When is the safest time to enjoy sex?

You are a little more than a month along. You can total your due date by taking the first day of you finishing period and counting out 40 wks.

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if you knew the date that you have sex then you would know how far along you are.

had no mp 4 may,june,july, somewhat regular, spotting 4 2 days n aug, neg preg theory test, could i still b preg?

about a month congrats Hun and good luck

girls merely?

You are medically counted as being 5 weeks and 1 morning pregnant. You calculate this by counting how copious weeks and days since the first day of your last time.

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