I think I'm about to have my period. HELP!!?

I don't know but i talked to my friend and she think so too. I carry a purse beside a pad only just in casing but i still feel resembling somethings wrong.......... HELP I'M DESPARATE!

What could be causing a overdue period?

There is no problem, if it is your first ever extent then congratulations!!

Find some cool route to celebrate, close to get your mother to buy you a modern outfit you have looked-for or get your people to take you for a collation or special night out, period are a good item, as much as other girls may tell you otherwise – period are only as apt or as bad as you engineer them – get yourself onto some apposite sites to learn more around what is going to happen, different menstrual option (there aren't just tampons and pad to choose from!) and learn something like all the positive things nearly periods.

Talk to your mother or elder sisters if you have them, what they go through with their period is going to be very similar to what you will budge through in lingo of how old they be when they got their first interval, if they suffered cramps, any health problems, etc. they will know how to tell you greatly about it, but not everything, it really pays to swot about some things for yourself and save a possitive attitude.

You have a wad with you so when it does come you simply use the wad, and that's it for the immediate problem, if you consider it a problem. If you find you enjoy cramps or PMS there are a great deal of things you can do to totally prevent these things - most people don't realise cramps are not an inexorable part of period, it just requires some fluency about your body to settlement with them.

Good luck.

If you own any specific questions permit us know, or feel free to transport me a message :o)


prolapse after childbirth? anyone been at hand? advice?

what do you want to know?


just wear a liner n progress to the bathroom n check every now and again

Menopause. When should I expect it to start and what will be the symptoms, and for how long?

bananas are correct for cramps and just whip it easy and maintain the purse with you asap

Almost bulimic?

What's the problem?

what exactly is a mid vivacity crisis and when does it happen?

What are you desperate to know? You said you get the impression like something's wrong. Why do you suppose that?

Girl Problems, What is wrong with me?

this sounds approaching a job. for your friendly .. family unit doctor. make the appt very soon.

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You don't say how frail you are, but it sounds as though you may be getting your first menstrual period? If that's so, never mind the internet or your best friend. Talk to your mom.
And what are you desperate in the order of? It's a perfectly crude event, it happens to adjectives women, and we all live through it. It a short time ago means we are conventional, adult women. Nothing desperate give or take a few that!

Anyone got any clever tips on how to combat p.m.t ?

talk to your university nurse. they understand this stuff, they promise with it adjectives the time - with other girls your age. they can also lend a hand you with the pad and stuff, if you don't have satisfactory. And they can help you know it so you don't need to touch desparate.
And then, you don't hold to go thru the potential embarassment of conversation to a doctor, setting up the apt, etc. But,honestly, all women do know in the region of it and are understanding. As are most men. Not boys, men.

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If this is your first spell, don't worry. When it comes it comes. If you verbs to have alike cramps or other symptoms, make an appointment next to a gynecologist, no matter how young-looking you are. You also may have an infection. Nothing to verbs about. Just see the doctor specifically the best. If it is an infection you don't want it to spread or get worse. It may effect your reproductive system for the rest of your enthusiasm. Take it from this nurse..go to the doctor.

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