Plan B pill?

I am planning to have unprotected sex this weekend. It's our anniversary and in general we use condoms, but this weekend we decided to really brand love in every sense of the word. (I'm not
looking for judgment, so please just answer my request for information or stop reading.)
Anyway, I went to my local clinic and get the Plan B pills and put them in my purse. But they are tiny, and nearby was a hole surrounded by my purse, so now I've lost one. I would resembling to know how effective taking single the one would be, or if you have any suggestions. Please, give a hand!

Bra help Girls with the sole purpose help please?

Yes you necessitate both pills there are two for a function!

I totally understand the necessitate to make love short the condoms. Why not get the Nuvaring or something close to that. My husband and I used condoms for years and now I hold an IUD...LOVE more worries or having to stop to put the condom on!

Ladies only-- Does anyone ever experience a sharp dull pain in their pelvic nouns a week before their extent?

Okay, when me and my husband have unproteced sex, I will use Plan B. you NEED the second pill. without question about it. the first one is more noteworthy than the 2nd, but its still nessasary. if you have any regular bc pills, taking 4 of them equals 1 e.c.p. (plan B) pill. I know you are not looking for any judgements, but you call for someone to tell you how it is. And its not worth it. One moment of pleasure is not worth unwanted pregnancy, std's or your self respect. I am 24 and own been beside the same man for 10 years. We are save now, but fund in the year, before we found Jesus, girl trust me when I report to you. You are not with him 24/7, and he could be double-dipping (get my point?). I know you love him, but a man is gonna conduct yourself like a man, so keep hold of that in mind. Just a thought.

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You NEED both pills! Also, please kind sure to consider where you are surrounded by your cycle and talk just about what you would do if you do get pregnant. Plan B is not nearly as impressive as any other type of birth control. NuvaRing or a diaphragm are other non-condom options, along near spermicidal foam and dissolvable clear sheets (those aren't as effective lacking condoms but definitely better than none). If it's beforehand ovulation you should be fine using Plan B, but many recent studies show that during or after ovulation and you're taking your likelihood.

I totally understand wanting to be close. Happy Anniversary!

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