do you hate weight?

do you hate question with weigh surrounded by it

Regular periods near no ovulation?

no it is just stupid to antipathy it

Birth Control HELP!?

yes because i hate ppl other asking me

Why do I smell like a soaring level skank?

Haha.yes I dislike intensely thinking about my cargo, but I don't hate question with solidity in them..I gravitate to them because I know greatly about the subject.

Just have a hysterectomy, drove within 2 weeks, feelin fine, next suddenly felt tired, and blotch hurt!?


getting the period stains out?

Why should I? I suggest I am beautiful and a ask or answer can't change my size or looks.

What if any foods assistance prevent breast cancer ?

I don't hate question about shipment but they make me verbs. So many teens are worried that they weigh too much.

Yes I abominate my weight, I am significantly over my "ideal" counterweight. I'm a work in progress.


Hating your freight will never get you anywhere. It will merely make you miserable if you dwell on it too much.

I other dwelt on it after having my first child. The doctor's said, "he is small, devour. So, I ate. Gained 60 pounds and he weighed 4 1/2 when he be born. I kept every single bit of it. Then I had to own a total thyroidectomy. Go figure! Your brain does not know you enjoy a thyroid, so medication they give does zilch for the weight gain from that. Then, Menopause struck! I a doomed. Or so I thought. Until I realize I had to start accepting some things I could not switch. I accepted myself, after adjectives I was the merely one left to do it. Everyone else around me like me just approaching I was. They have no grips about my substance.

It is a material article. What you have inside of you is far more big then your bulk!

How do i know this discharge is normal? (women ONLY!)?

Yes, i really can`t stand weight. ^^

Any ladies have a Nipple/Areolar Surgery done before? Pls. recommend a upright surgeon in Singapore.?

I used to detestation my weight because margarine girls would always bring back jealous and beckon me anorexic. I'm 5'11 and 125 lbs. It's my metabolism!

how can bacterial vaginosis be treated without other going to a doctor?

age is not my secret(although i'm not so young now) but substance definately is :P

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