Why do I smell like a high level skank?


what are some good obverse washes/ medication for acn, and does stress really make acne worse?

If it walk like a skank, conference like a skank, and smells approaching a skank.it's a skank.

What is the possibility of becoming pregnant while taking birth control.?

bathe and you deoderant spray and what ever you need to do. and use soap

Can i hold papsmear a week before my time?

sometimes it can be from stress.try wearing pads..day after day !
like panty liner.and see if that helps

Girls one and only. Period?

do u think u might enjoy a vaginal infection --sometimes this can have a doomed to failure odor and u might need antibiotics to clear it up. If u go in swimming daily and use deordorant this could be the problem and hurtful to your health except cleared up.

CYLARIS Diet Pill??

well, a lot of times it's base on that time of the month. when you ovulate, you produce a stronger smell to attract men.
you could also have a bacterial infection, yeast infection, or a std. if you've have it for a while you need to move about to the doctor.

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