im scared i mite be pregnant?

We had sex one time next to out a condom. We use the "withdraw method" he say that he didnt inside me but i dont know there mite be a possibility he did. I dont know wat to do im suppos to get hold of my period the 8Th. Im reaction kinda weird i dont know if its adjectives in my person in charge or if there something in actual fact there. I took a pregnancy tryout last sunday but i dream up it was to precipitate for it. I would appreciate it if someone gaved me advice because im really panicky. and i dont know what to do. thank you

I know I talk profusely of bollocks, but can someone answer this for me seriously?

aw, well im contained by the same situation certainly.. ive been really apprehensive also so i asked someone about it and they said to keep on a week after the day your supposed to go and get your period.. if you dont acquire it by then try to rob the test again.. but if you really want to you could see a doctor roughly it.. im pretty sure its in your commander but you never know.. i wish you the best of luck

A personal give somebody the third degree.. about condoms.?

You might be lucky. Go to the Dr.

Ultrasound-Guided biosy quiz?

if you were supposed to gain your period aug. 8th and still haven't have it, i'd go to the doctor. its probably something else ifi your preganancy question paper came up gloomy.

How long until my period?

I reckon you're freaking out too soon. Just chill.

Check out your local health department and return with on the pill. You can get it for free or almost free, and your parents don't enjoy to know. It's better to be safe than sorry and you won't enjoy to worry roughly it like you are in a minute. :)

This is not a question?

The drugstore have early pregnancy assessment that you could take. First Response pregnancy assessment will detect pregnancy 3 days before your missed time. Don't worry so much though stress could bottleneck your period.

I enjoy a burning feeling surrounded by my vagina it feels approaching I'm needing to urinate and I do only just a little.?

There is a possibility that you are not pregnant. Sometimes in attendance are other factors that bring you not to have a regular spell cycle. Worrying can cause you to miss, medication, and or stress. Of which 2 you are favoring right now. The best things to do is see a Dr. receive a preg. test and a physical wouldn't hurt . Get yourself on some genus of birth control and play it safe. Always be protected. Make him wear the mackintosh!

I need some womanly advice?

Dont sleep beside a guy onless u have birth contor or a condom

Am I going to grow taller?

The "debt method" does not work! If you're not pregnant, NEVER HAVE UNPROTECTED SEX AGAIN! You seem too undeveloped to be a mother.

Will the vagina wall of a virgin stretching by a thick penis more stinging than breaking her hymen?

There is a possibility that you are not pregnant. Sometimes there are other factor that cause you not to hold a regular period cycle. Worrying can grounds you to miss, medications, and or stress. Of which 2 you are favoring right very soon. The best things to do is see a Dr. get a preg. question paper and a physical wouldn't hurt . Get yourself on some kind of birth control and play it safe and sound. Always be protected. Make him wear the raincoat! also hpt do not other say what is true travel have a blood question paper done to be ceartin

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