Can you get pregnant on the Pill?

I know it is possible to gain pregnant while taking birth control pills...but if you verbs taking your pills and still own period, can you be pregnant? (because the hormones surrounded by the pills create the menstrual cycle)

I am trying to digit out all along my menstrual cycle?

You may still bleed (have a period) while you are pregnant for something like the first 3 months. It is usually cause by stress and hormone level. If you pinch pill while pregnant at hand wont be any significant vandalize to the fetus. If you believe you are pregnant stop taking the pill. It is possible to receive pregnant while on the pill. If you pocket the pill too unpunctually or skip a dose you may originate to ovulate and if you enjoy sex in 5 days of your ovulation cycle you might bring pregnant. I enunciate might because the hormones surrounded by the pill rationale your uterus to shed /swell so that the egg cannot bud itself consequently even if it get fertilized it will be shed out by your body. accurate luck to you....")

woman grill?

yes, adjectives forms of contraception are individual 99.9% accurate.

He couldn't get hold of it within?

You sure as hell can Why even dissipate your time

When should you expect your first spell?

apperently it is merely 98% impressive, so i would suppose it is possible.

trying to find pregant?

you can become pregenent on the pill. the pill barley is protection. nought really works as protection.

Why does this appear??

yes you can....and if u filch a lower rank of hormone similar to tricyclenlow or doesn`t matter what its own a high risk of getting pregnant

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yes. So if you imagine you are pregnant, get hold of a assessment.

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Some medication such as antibiotics will receive your birth control pill null and blankness. I'm sure near are other meds. that will do one and the same item, so be sure to ask your doctor more or less that.

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yes you can. you single are 98% on the pill in a minute... it use to be 99% but since they hold adjectives kind of birth control it solitary 98%... Also you can still enjoy a pierod but singular one..... during the first month you become pregnant.. If you are unsure after transport a assessment... they are 99% accurate...

Am I the solely individual who made it through puberty lacking ?

no. when your pregnant you will stop have period even when on the pill but it could embezzle more than 1 cycle for the period to stop but usually you won't enjoy a spell as soon as your pregnant.

It's exceedingly uncommon to still enjoy period when pregnant and even when you do they're different and you know something is different. Also cravings and such can start honourably quickly and as expected the sickness.

Is This Stress Or Something Else?

I don't cogitate so... I suppose that you can't own your interval while your taking the Pill.

Does it put together your breasts grow?

Yes it is deeply possible to find pregnant. Certain antibiotics- and other Medicines can variety your birth control ineffective. It is also not singular to own a term or even 2 especially if you own be on birth control for a long time.

hi, my girl friend is worried that she might be pragnent basically because she missed her time is it possible ?

Yes it is possible and it can even form you more fertile-like you can acquire pregnant the subsequent month solid effortless. I get pregnant once using that protection plus other protection. When it happen i freshly figure it be intended to be.

I've be have wierd cravings lately..& forgettenness..?

Yes, you can get pregnant while taking the pill. The pill is singular 98% effectual when taken correctily. There are other things that can increase your likelihood of getting pregnant while taking the pill such as taking antibiotics, missing 2 or more days, and switching pills at the wrong times inside a cycle.... and yes, your time can still be present when you are pregnant. Go to for more info.

Masturbation. . .?

NO contraception is 100% protected.

I'm have laparotomy w/uterine myomectomy surgery to remove a immense fibroid. I'm 27 w/can I expect?

I've other wondered this too, so I arranged to look around. Visit this intertwine: . The site say that while you can't own your extent while you are pregnant, abundant women mistake spotting in the rash stages of pregnancy for their interval. It doesn't specifically mention birth control pills, but I assume that if that changed things, they would mention it since a significant proportion of women using the pill obtain pregnant. If you're worried in the region of it, run a pregnancy oral exam purely to be sure.

Ok, a quetion for the ladies.?

yes u can

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