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I've been useing seasonal birth cont.And to adjectives the females out there useing it thinking in the region of useing it.DON'T i found out today that i got preg and that i am 3 almost 4 months immediately And there is some big problems near the baby do to me not knowing and taking the pills up untill today so plz ask more roughly speaking it or just DON'T bring them...

Magic cone?-ladies only please ,or I'll report your answer?

My request for information to you is, how did you not know that you are pregant I understand that your be taking seasonal which means that you don't own a cycle every month but, don't you pay attention to your body change etc, eating more, counterbalance gain, tired, morning sickness which some people don't get hold of, I think alot of women should look at their bodies more ( return with a mirror if you can't see a place) and pay attention to change that you may think is zilch I'm at the doctors or calling for every bit of pain, bump, or anything I may think something is'nt "normal" also the internet is at everyones finger tips research everything past you decide taking some medician I have thought of taking those pills and I have a tubal for birth control but, the thought of not have a period sounded GREAT so I talk to my obgyn and he said I just can con't to use birth control pills to control my immense bleeding until they stopped working and I had the novasure procedure done
I am SORRY to hear give or take a few your baby and hope everything will be ok next to her/him GOOD LUCK

When I am menstrating, I have severe pains in my lower gone side, what could be causing this,?

I'm sooo sorry to hear that. Thanks for chitchat the time to warn us!


If you are three months pregnant you would hold missed the last interval you should have have with Seasonal. You should hold one every 3 months, which means even if you weren't supposed to start your subsequent period until tomorrow, you should own had one beforehand now, and when you didn't you shold hold seen a doctor.

I completely agree near the other respondant, there are other signs of pregnancy. Even if you are just more moody, own more cravings, have loose stool constantly, or are repulsed by abundant smells, something always happen.

If you are sexually active it is your responsibility to save track of these things and take document when anything changes--no one knows these things but you. Also, purely because you start using birth control does not mean you hold to stop using condoms. Hopefully you haven't caught some nasty disease that you can outdo on to your baby.

By the approach, this is a site for questions, not your uninformed and misguided warning. There are paid professionals who spawn the decisions of what is and is not protected, it is not your place to go ranting because you didn't listen to your body.

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