Am I going to grow taller?

Well,...I'm asian (filipino) and I'm 5 foot tall and 100 pounds. My mom is 5"2 and my dad is 5"6. I don't know how high-ceilinged my grandparents 18 year old brother is 5"7 and my elder twin sister is 4"5 but that's only because she take pills for her sickness....I haven't grown since last year and I freshly want to know so bad. I have my period at age 9 ( one month previously I turned 10) I am recently turned 14.


You already asked this.

Yes, you can still grow. Jeeez, stopped person so obsessed.

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yes you will grow you are only 14 you stop growing around 18. how much it adjectives depends, my friends Dad is 5-8 and his mom 5-5, but he is 5-11. Just wait i would come up with at least 3-6 inches.

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join the club... i'm 5'2 and i won't get any taller. plus you hold a greater selection of men when your short.

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probably not, once you are mostly done beside puberty thats about it for growing taller.

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Nobody, but your genes can tell you how towering you will get. Sorry!
Besides at hand is nothing wrong beside being short. I'm 5"2 myself. Just devise. You can get away next to wearing heels!

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