I was cleaning the bathroom and my eyes started burning and my nose feels funny I keep?

smelling a weird smell.. I seriously don't have an idea that it was the cleaner because I be cleaning for like 15 minutes and I be fine but once I had sprayed on what I thought be mold this happened.. Do you reflect it was the cleaner or the mold? wtf do I do I'm anxious to breathe I see on TV all those shows on slaughterer mold

Anyone had a amniocentesis?? Really worried!?

as long as you're breathing and your throat isn't closing, you'll be ok. the medium has put up plentifully of hype about mold and fungus, and the reality is, depending on where you live, on inhale these things every sunshine when you breathe..fungal spores. in missouri, where on earth i live, there is a great deal of fungal spores in the heavens. missourians are probably more immune to the effects of "mold" (it's really fungus, mold being a type of fungus) than someone who lives surrounded by a drier climate. we carry around little infections of fungus in our lungs that we aren't even aware of. usually it's only having allergies or have a weak immune system if something close to this makes someone sick.

NOW.. you be exposted to a patch, you said, of mold..which is really fungus. you must have breathed surrounded by a quantity of spores. step by how you feel. some molds *can* be unsafe, but a burning nose should be ok..lately uncomfortable and more alarming because of the unknowns. if your throat closes, *if you develop a cough* or have trouble breathing, if you own any weird symptom bar irritaged nasal tissue, get into a doc straight.
blow your nose. you know, your snot trapped a great deal of those spores.

the bathroom cleaner could have be the culprit, but you woud smell the cleaner, not a weird smell. if you enjoy safely used this cleaner previously, it shouldn't have cause such a reaction.

if you don't touch right, please get within. but don't panic.lately see how you're body deals next to it. our bodies are amazing!! if you sneeze, it's your body's way of discharging trapped spores. blowing your antenna is important, and you might want to ask a condition proffesional about cleansing the nostrils beside something that would impede growth..like alcohol, peroxide..anything. don't do what i suggest, do what they tell you would be best.
i hope adjectives goes very well. :-)

Is it normal to enjoy clots in menstrual blood?

get to the doctor, dont listen to everything you hear on tv, dont verbs

Is my discharge normal?

if it come on fast it be probably the cleaner.
My husband had a mold problem, but it developed over a time of year of time.
Was the room not properly ventialted while you were cleaning?
My bet is on the cleaner.

PS- my husband have a lower immune system than most people due to a disease- a majority household mold should not have have that effect on you. CALL POISON CONTROL!

Ladies is the normal??

always wear a gas cover while cleaning your bathroom

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You could call poison control or budge outside and get some fresh nouns.

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did you own proper ventilitation while cleaning, you probaably inhaled too many fumes I don't conjecture you have assassin mold unless your bathroom was an proper mess. open a door and glass and get some freash nouns.

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Cleaners can produce dangerous fumes. The strong mold and mildew sprays can hold your breath away. Toilet cleaner is not suppose to be used and then put the lid down. Leave the lid up.

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Maby its the rubbing alchohal on your feeler

Here are my symptoms: Uterine bleeding after intercourse, urine leakage,beefy bleeding during period. I have?

What kind of cleaner be you using? If it had clorine in it it can receive pretty bad and do breathing problems and wattery eyes.

BTW most molds are pretty harmless. The medium has seriously over hyped 'slaughterer molds."

Answer Quickly! Urgent!?

you just mixed 2 different benevolent of chemicals.Water, a lot of river on your face..

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It still could enjoy been the cleaner, after 15 minutes, it may enjoy taken that long to really get to you! You may be allergic to something in the cleaner, also try using the vent while cleaning! I other do to help nouns the joint out!

Waxing or shaving?

It could be any or both. If you had be cleaning for 15 minutes, that's time enough for the cleaner to build up within your system and start affecting your eyes and nose. And it could be the mold as in good health. As you know, mold multiplies by speading spores, and your spray may have triggered a release of some ripe spores. Air out the bathroom as best you can and see your doctor if it doesn't clear up by tomorrow.

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Immediately check to see if you are using a combination of ammonia-based and chlorine based cleaners or such cleaners hold been used just now in yesteryear.

If so, open a windowpane, close the bathroom door and get away from the nouns. The combination can be lethal.

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It's possibly that you mixed two cleaning compounds. airout the room and relax. I don't think the slayer mold has you nonetheless.

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If the cleaner contains bleach, then I can assure you that i.e. your problem. You should take a long steamy shower for going on for 20 minutes to help cleanse your airways. The funny smell and zest can sometimes last for as long as 24 hours, depending on the severity of exposure.

I know because it happen to me. It was so doomed to failure that I had to telephone poison control. But you should be alright. Just inhale some steam and relax. Next time, be sure to work in a well ventilate area, or I don`t know put a fan within the bathroom.


Well yeah it sounds like mold...I experienced that once and the guy I contracted to repeat my tiles said I was nuts till he took a few rotten the wall in my shower and at hand it was and I threw up...anyway...bleach applied to shower tiles can sometimes massacre it and if put on with cotton ball on all grout , seam...should kill it ..however if you are allergic to bleach as I am use exposure to air and wear a mask..but eventually you will have need of to have your tiles taken out and that may take a professional and be costly....try the bleach perception first and see how that goes for a while...polite luck!

Are any of you currently on or have you ever tried immunotherapy injections?

My guess is the cleaner my mother be cleaning the bathroom with some ammonia she get real sick eye burning and choking to passing. few minutes later she threw up

It's not apposite to breath all that may hold poisonous fumes

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