Why is nearby a blonde coat growing within my pubic nouns? (I'm a unconscious brunette)?

I'm really freaked out. I was getting out of the shower drying off my pubic nouns and saw what appeared to be a blonde hair growing in my pubic nouns.

What the hell?! I'm 24 years old and an African American female and though my curls is currently dyed a light blondish brown, my natural mane color is very dark brown.

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It could be grey mane, not blonde. dont worry though. Grey hair shows up easier on relatives w/darker hair, even at your young age..

Why is this?

I enjoy reddish hair down here, and there are a few very restrained blonde, even white hairs there. It's any the first place you're starting to go gray (yes, it happens thoroughly young), or it's just fine hairs that are growing surrounded by an area with no pigment. It's zilch to fear. The first time I saw mine, I freaked out, but it's harmless. If you rip them out (ouch!) they may grow vertebrae light or dark. Don't sweat it, it's run of the mill.

Why the hell is this stirring! (period issue)?

There are a few very natural reason that a single hair, or a group of hairs can be a different color, such as growing through a mole, or something approaching that.

I wouldnt worry to much about 1 hackle myself.

but as always, if it would make you discern better, bring it up to your doctor.

What do you mingy by "My vagina is discharging"?

it's probably gray, not blond. and no you don't really have to be all that old-fashioned to get grays, i'm 18 and i have no quill down there (shaved) but i have some gray streaks within my hair. that's not that bad. and i aversion that these ppl are telling you to shave it, that's your own decision.

Is it ok to own brown blood when your on your extent?

it's not blond it's Grey and if your fleece wasn't dyed you would probably see a few in your head. It does not parsimonious you are getting old so don't panic but it happen. I am twenty six and I have had a strand or two surrounded by my hair since I was a kid.

Is in that a means of access to know how high-ceilinged u'll be?

I wouldn't verbs at all! Stuff like this in recent times happens. My younger brother is a teenager and he have one gray hair that continually grows. It might be grayish and therefore look blonde, but you're probably not going gray. This merely happens sometimes.

I burn glibly when i jump to the shore?

GENETICS from long back, probably.
Dont touch weird, its NATURAL.

Abortion pills?

maybe you should bring the coat into your doctor to have a look if you're that freaked out about it.

hang about. why are you so freaked about it?


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You have leprosy.

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Relax, it's probably zilch to worry about.

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Are you sure it's attached? Maybe a grey? Why are you freaking out? Pluck it!

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It's 2008 why do you enjoy pubes?

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its a rebel hair to be precise gonna rise againt the normal pub republic.take him down past it to late

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I feel the involve to not answer

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how dramatic...

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your great grandparents

When i make a contribution my boyfriend..?

don't worry, there's probably nothing wrong beside you, it might just be weird, similar to how sometimes kids can get gray hair

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oh no the wordl is going to come to an appendage because you have a couple of white hairs..

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its majority

My boobs?

it's grey .. not blonde

I want lend a hand?

idk. go see a doctor if u think it is odd.

I found a few bumps on my breasts, could it be breast cancer??

big deal, its vagina hair, wax it.

Period Cramps?

Blondes enjoy more fun...so they say.maybe your becoming a blode.lucky you.!

What is the adjectives of getting pregnant a week after my interval?

you should shave anyway and that method you would never know

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Really feeling guilty...inevitability comments...?
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