Anemia and Periods?

I am anemic and I'm usually quite dizzy and weak almost everyday. When I own my period it gets worse. Like I can barley stand up, and my perception sometimes goes blank. Is this all cause by being anemic? My periods give the impression of being to make it feel worse.

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Typically blindness isn't associate near anemia. Your weakness could be explained by it as could your dizziness. Anemia isn't, itself, a disease but is rather indicative of something else going on inside of your body. If you are opinion dizziness when you stand from a sitting position or lose vision when you stand, this could be indicative of something more serious going on inside. My advice to you is to see your primary thoroughness physician if you have one or go to a clinic where on earth you can get assessed. A blood draw will be necessary to attain a CBC (complete blood count) to determine if within are any cellular abnormalities and also to determine the number off adjectives the cells in your blood and the type of cell in your blood. Women of menstruating age typically have sophisticated iron requirements than do their male counter parts. Alot of this has to do near shedding of the endometrium during menses. You can take comfort that, even during high flow period, you dont lose too much blood. The avg blood volume loss during a period for most women is 28 - 30 ml. Very small considering the total blood volume is around 5 L. Some women can an do have chronically dignified flow volume during menses of around 80 ml or greater which can lead to health issues and ability of life issues. If you are noticing heavier than common periods, it would be good to see an OB/GYN doctor for an assessment.

With the symptoms you hold given above, it's not conclusive as to whether or not you have anemia. If you have be told that you have been anemic surrounded by the past, you might consider dietary changes such as ingestion red meats. When eating a dinner, it's also required to stay away from dark tea's (like black tea for instance) while eating. Dark tea's contain 'tannins' that prevent you gut from well absorbing free iron. Meat's such as red meats have 'heme iron' which is enthralled by a different methods. Iron supplementation can be effective but usually dietary changes are sufficient to replace iron contained by transient anemia. If this is a chronic conditions, talk to you doctor about iron supplementation. Please see a doctor soon as they can asses you better than any one of us can over a computer! Good luck!

I hold also supplied a website below that will give you some addition info on menstruation and can abet you to estimate your average volume of blood lost during a period.

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If you are under a doctor's attention to detail for this, the treatment is either not working or you aren't following directives. I'm anemic also and was told to take a multi-vitamin (100% of iron) within the morning and a Slo-Fe in the afternoon. I was told that if I didn't treat the anemia, it would result surrounded by organ failure. You need to correct your situation ASAP!

I get my time of year twice this month.?

Iron deficency.try to devour a nice red steak with a baked potato and some creamed spinach right before your term, it will raise your hemoglobin, and I guarantee you, you'll feel better

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your time blood is not connected to your normal blood supply and its only around an egg cup full (I know it looks resembling more) Are your periods really heavy? I reflect on you need to see your GP and get your iron level reassessed


Oh yea, that's the anemia talking. Take a daily iron supplement. they vend them at drug stores. I have the same problem, and those little green pills let go me.

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you really need vitamins and food supplements.
you can easily treat both through unprocessed products without side effects.

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