When you enjoy a UTI, can you drink cranberry liquid cocktail or does it own to be cranberry liquid?

Everywhere I go I only enjoy seen cranberry juice cocktail, and for the longest time I other thought it was cranberry juiice ha.
but I read the symptoms of uti and I think I enjoy one so my mom is goin to take me to the docs.. I get a sharp affliction when I pee like a cramp when the pee comes out. and I only pee a short time bit but I feel like I own to pee alot..

Does that sound like a uti to you? but lately I've also be feeling nauseated and bloated. Like the last time I wore the jeans Im wearing i have room in them. and I could button them easily, but this morning I have to have my mom help me carry them buckled, and now their like skin tight..

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Cranberry liquid does help , although you need to achieve pure cranberry juice , at the grocery store under ORGANIC is a liquid called JUST CRANBERRY , i highly suggest the liquid and brand , although the juice is VERY bitter because it is sugarless. If you often draw from UTI`s drink plenty of cranberry juice and water repeatedly , If you are sexually active make sure to urinate after sex to ":wash" away adjectives the bacteria. Also douching will cause UTI`s douching wash away your natural bacteria as a result making your body produce more. One more thing when you wash below the belt product sure you are not using soap internaly , wash around but not in , this too wash`s the intuitive bacteria! Hope i helped!

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Definitely sounds close to a UTI, but do NOT drink cranberry juice (or cocktail or whatever!) very soon! The sugar contained in juices of adjectives forms will only feed the microbes and make matters worse.

Drink plenty of WATER, and receive to the doctor's as soon as you can. Pain, scanty urination, bloating and nausea are all BAD signs.

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UTI's are bloody, and you have a burning sensation when you urinate. Try an over the counter medication called Uristat. You lug it for 3 days, and it turns your urine a bright orange, so don' get tentative. Drink Plenty of water or cranberry juice, not cocktail, its sold within supermarkets. Take Advil for pain. See a Dr. if this doesn't work

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you'll notice on the sticky label of CJC some forms of sugar high on the ingredient list - avoid them other. you can get cranberry gels at a vitamin shop. i've used them and they've worked, but do drink lots of sea. try for a couple of days, then see a MD if it persists...

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Cranberry liquid tastes like crap by itself, that's why cocktails are so prevalent.

Either have some efficacy against UTI's; no one is quite positive why.

Going To The Doctor?

There are UTI test you can get at the drug store (AZO is the brand). If you do have a UTI, you will want to go to the doc to get a prescription for anti-biotics. It will not move about away on its own, and it can become very painful. Some docs will use the AZO tryout results and call in a prescription, some will enjoy you come in and give a urine preview.


You should drink 100% cranberry juice (try a drug store or health food store), or give somebody a lift cranberry pills (located with the vitamin and dietary supplements). Fresh blueberries are also good. And drink LOTS of hose down.

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