Irregular or missing time of year?
Answers: Depends on if you are sexually live..and if you were protected [condoms, pill etc]?? If yes...take a preg. question paper at home and see..and go from there...
in a minute if your not sexually active, it sounds like a hormonal discrepancy if you dont get your period in a minute in the next two weeks...i would perchance seek medical make sure nil bad is going on. but it is a high break of just a weird cycle.
obedient luck.
I understand. I'm 20 and I'm still irregular or my dates evolution. I don't think you should be worried. If you are enough..step to the gynocholigist (sp?) or a regular doctor see what's going on. Because I have been irregular for a while in a minute too. Or get on birth control, I've heard that can regulate too. Also, consult to your parent to see what would be in your best interest.
*Hope this helps..