Recently changed my birth control pill and presently I've skipped my time of year...?

I was on Ortho TriCyclen for about a year and a partly but last month I switched to Trivora. I didn't skip any days just go from my last pill in the ortho pack to the first pill surrounded by the trivora - the days stayed the same. But now I should own gotten my period last week and I didn't. Is this usual or should i take a home pregnancy test?

Dermamed psoriaderm?

Actually I wouldn't be desperately concerned because you've changed pills and your body reacts sometimes in highly odd ways when that happens. If you're worried after you should definitely take a pregnancy audition; it's not worth all that stress.

Period problems. runny discharge?

taking a new pill can put together your cycle out of whack. I recently switched from Yaz to Balziva, and my periods enjoy been CRAZY long (from like 3 days to almost 3 weeks now). I call my doc and she said that some people experience a lot of breakthrough when switching to a investigational pill, or nothing at all. To contentment your mind you may want to take a home prego test, but it's probably your body adjust to a new pill. Best of luck.

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