How much does a 3 month supply of nuvaring cost?


Seasonale bc?

Without insurance, depending on where you go, it can be between $40-60/ring. If you enjoy insurance, depending on your coverage it could maybe $6-20/ring. I have hear that Planned Parenthood no longer carries Nuvaring. Also I have hear that Target is one of the ones towards the cheaper side.

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Around $170 dollars without insurance, because there is no generic performance of it. If you are looking for birth control cheap, go for the depo shot, try sprintec which is the generic orthotricyclin (the pill) or you can always stick near the tried and true condoms and spermicide. Insurance really helps, if you can tell your parents, their insurance will squirrel away you alot. If you don't have that though, the generic pill is your best option, ask your dude for relieve paying.


Its fairly expensive, but depends on where you live. With the patch coming under fire right now, in attendance is a resurgence of prescribing of the nuvaring. The places that will have the best prices will be: planned parenthood, Sam's Club, Costco, and Walmart. You can bid all of them for a price.

Birth control, spell...?

I pay $20 for respectively times three for me is $60. But you should check your insurance/pharmacy.

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