When is the most recent age?

When is the latest age that girls get their period?
Because I'm 13, I haven't gotten mines, but a lot of my friends have.
Should I be worried? =/

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Don't verbs. For some people this is normal.
If you grain comfortable talking to your mom about stuff resembling this, ask her if she got hers later to. Because customarily genetics determines when you get it. I know associates who have gotten theirs when they are 15!

Don't worry this is totally usual for that age :)

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I have a friend who is 15 and she still hasnt got her first time of year yet. But don't be worried. Period Sucks.
Enjoy while you still haven't got it.
If you want to ask your mum when she get hers cause maybe you will receive yours the same age that she did?

Is in that anyone here who have be dx beside endometriosis?

It varies from being to person. normally happen from the age 11-14 but sometimes girls start as early as 8 and as late as 17. I dont deem you have any thing to verbs about but If you are still worried talk to your doctor OK.

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It be always around 15-16 but in recent years for some basis that has fallen to slightly below. You're fine and enjoy plenty of time yet. When you get them you'll want you didn't have the bloody things!!. (hello Freud).

Period and pad?

Everyone is different, you must understand that. I know folks that didn't get their periods until they be 17. It is very normal. Don't be worried.

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Age 15 is when you start to verbs about the absence of a spell.

My daughter started when she was 14.

Here is a great website for you to look over:

What is sex?

No it's fine my cousin got hers at 16 and that's run of the mill so your fine! But if you don't get it and your 17 or 18 then you should progress to the doc!

Good luck!

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The latest age that any girl could get hers is around age 16. If you don't seize it then you need to see a doctor a moment ago in case something isn't functioning

Abdominal dull pain after sex?

Not at All.
Girls usually Vary
between 12-16
so you own nothing to worry almost
theres plently of girls i know who havent started yet and they are a couple of years older than you.

Don't fret Hun!

Period Problems...?

i started when i be 14 and all my friends all set had
i think the age when you should start to be worrid is close to 15-16

Helppp Pleasseee!!?

don't worry i'm 13 and still havent goten mine yet. i own a few friends who havent either.

When should i win my interval stern after one depo shot ??lend a hand?

No. But if you are concerned, talk to your mother almost making a doctor's appointment.

GIRLS ONLY READ! (about puberty!!)?

no up to 16 is normal the age range is usally 11-16 but latley 8-17

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i be 15, it will happen when your body is ready.
surmise of it as a gift. you dont want it!

I own a unusual brown discharge!! HELP?

no not really around 15 or 16 I've known inhabitants who didn't have theirs until 18 yrs!!


dont worry i havent any and im 13!! :)

How soon after getting the Mirena taken out can you start your interval?

12 and 13 is the usual.

Pubic Hair Question?

i didn't get mine until just after my 14th birthday

Mirena birth control?

between 16- 18. dont verbs urs will probably start soon

No answers from the doc all the same?

the latest is probably 16

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