What's it approaching to be on a term?


Birth control cause my legs to twinge.?

Not fun! be glad you don't have one.

Period problem?

Not fun thats for sure. It also depends on the woman & the particular extent. Some women get heavy flow of bleeding which is particularly uncomfy having that stukk come out of u in your vagina & u cant control it. If u sit down for a while & afterwards get up u can feel it come out. Kind of close to when u plug a hose then release it the water comes shooting out. Or sometimes when u sneeze or cough. Sometimes I hold had worse bloating & cramps then other times. Cramps can hurt contained by your vagina or your back. If they get on my nerves I usualy smoke a reciprocal or take some midol. U get PMS 2 some worse next others. This occurs before the blood starts coming out similar to a few days. Some women need medication for this though. When u r on your period u lose not one and only blood but tissue 2. Usually within the first few years cause u r losing your child fat. This feels gross. Like a gigantic buger mucus comming out of u from down in that. Since u cannot control the blood from comming out alot of times a woman may leak or stain there clothes especially when they sleep at hours of darkness. This is a drag. Women who have twins in their familial I heard often hold heavier periods since their body releases more than one egg at a time. This has happen 2 me b 4 a couple of times. I hated it cause I could simply wear a jumbo tampon for like 1 & 1/2 hrs or less! Which technique if I was having sex right b 4 that fastidious menstraition period then I would of probobly be pregnant with twins!

What to do? facilitate...?

Not too bad sometimes but usually you simply get sick of it and wish it would hurry up and freaking move about away. Sometimes you get really bad stomach cramps or headache with it and then BAM - when it go away its another 4 weeks and its back :(
Except for me mines every 2 months so 8 weeks so it's not too bad. :)
That any comfort?

Pregnancy possibility? or something else...stipulation minister to?

you feel insecure sometimes. on bad times stomach craps. since it starts for me i get back twinge, very hormonal and sensitive. but it is over all fine... x

OMG! Please comfort me! Girls Only! FAST!?

You hold stomach cramps, a backache, you are tired and ill, and you have blood coming out of your vagina!

I want to loose nearly 20-30 lbs by running next to my dog.?

oh its lovely within summer :)

basically you bleed for a week and dont die, kinda strange really..

Masturbating: will i loose my virginity?

once again are you freaking serious?

Could this be a serious condition about blood within the urine?

Would be hard to stand on at the winding up of a sentence...lol

Period support ?


Gyno exam jitters?

f**king sucks!

4 girls ONLY!!?

Anyone hold any counsel or suggestions for the birth control pill Yasmin?
Difficulty ratification dampen after a laparoscopy?
Will this work?
  • Wat is ear sex?
  • Uh girl ask?

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