Birth control cause my legs to hurt.?

About 2 weeks ago I started taking birth control to regulate my period. I started having an smarting in both legs and a slight ache within my upper arms. I want to the doctor and was checked for blood clots. I don't have any. My doctor took my past its sell-by date that birth control and started my on another. In between the two different pills I had my period and the pains go away. But now that I an on the new ones the distress is in my legs, arms, AND feet. It's an soreness that feels like I basically exercised for 7 days straight. The ache actually wake me up at night. What I want to know is; is leg aches typical with birth control? Will the pain eventually travel away with continued use? I'm thinking of calling my doctor again but if this happens near most birth control pills there really isn't any point. I've look on the internent but haven't found anything that says birth control cause aching muscles. Does anyone else have this problem? And what did you do to resolve it? Any help out is apprecieted. Thank You.

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No! You need to call your doctor again ASAP, I have the same thing (extreme headache as well as pain within my calf muscles) and my doctor immediately took me off of my birth control for start of clots. I was really worried b/c I didn't want to have a stroke. if I be you I'd quit taking them ASAP and call your doc-muscle aches are a serious side effect that your gyno wants to know about. Best of luck.

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