What happen if you insert a tampon too far?

I know it sounds like obvious that you shouldn't, and ancestors always talk around TSS, but they also say, "Never put it in too far because that cause other problems". I know not too put it in far, but what actually happen that is bad?

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You cant put a tampon within too far unless you have had you're cervix removed due to cervical cancer...your cervix stops a tampon from traveling into your body, TSS is cause by leaving an highly leaky tampon in too long, not how far it is inserted in, you insert it as far as compulsory so that you dont feel it and are comfortable...I hate that ethnic group tell girls things like this and panic them! and NOBODY has to have a tampon surgically removed, thats a silly rumor that ive be hearing since i was a youthful girl in the 80's!

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Toxic Shock Syndrom (TSS) is a rare but serious disorder. It is caused by the toxins produced by the bacterium Staphylococcus aureus which is commonly found in the trunk and vagina. TSS can occur in men, women and children. Approximately one-half of the cases turn out in menstruating women and girls. Menstrual TSS is associated with tampon use. It is more potential to occur in pubescent girls and women under 30 than in elder women. Early recognition and treatment of the symptoms are important.

If you enjoy one or more of these symptoms, you must immediately:

Remove Tampon
Seek medical attention
Tell your doctor if you have be using a tampon and are concerned about TSS
If you had TSS once you can carry it again. You should talk to your doctor before using tampons if you own had symptoms of TSS in olden times.

Ways to reduce the risks of TSS (Toxic Shock Syndrome)

You can reduce the risk of menstrual TSS by using a wipe instead of a tampon at least once each afternoon during your menstrual period and by using the tampon with the minimum absorbency required to collect your needs. You can also essentially eliminate the risk of menstrual TSS by not using tampons.

The right course to use tampons:
Remember to wash your hands back and after inserting and removing your the tampon.
You should change your tampon every 4 to 8 hours
Be sure to use the lowest absorbency tampon for your flow.
Always remove your used tampon before inserting a unsullied one.
Be sure to remove your last tampon at the end of your spell.
Tampons are designed to absorb menstrual flow only. Do not use a tampon within anticipation of your period or to absorb non-menstrual vaginal discharge.
If you decision to use this product overnight, you may do so, provided that you insert a fresh tampon before retiring and remove it immediately upon wake. You should never wear a tampon for more than 8 hours to reduce the risk of toxic shock syndrome during your menstruation.

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You cannot put it in too far, and how far contained by it is inserted has nothing at adjectives to do with toxic shock syndrome. The vagina is not that long that you will lose the tampon (although occasionally problems with the string coming past its sell-by date, or curling up inside the vagina means the woman cannot retrieve it herself). It cannot get through the cervix into the uterus any.

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You really can't put it in too far. Your body is designed so that nothing could jump in to your vagina too far. I'm thinking what your hearing as not to put it contained by too far, is more like, not to leave it within too long. If you leave a tampon in for too heaps hours you do risk getting TSS. I have usually had more of a problem near not inserting the tampon far enough inside me, and that causes backache when you do that.
Hope this helped in some path.

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a tampon can never go to far and once it hits the neck of the cervix it stops but if you be unlucky and the string broke you would have to try and get it out using your fingers i know it nouns gross but ye or go to the GP or hospital they will remove in for you (well, i don't know roughly speaking the GP but the hospital will defiantly remove it for you ) touch wood it wont happen for you

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I honestly don't have an idea that it's possible to put one in too far because of the way they are designed. The length between the top of the tampon the ending of the string is fairly long anyway which would make it impossible to catch it so far in that you can't remove it. As there is plenty string on the outside for you to pull it out again, then should be nil to worry about.

Hey girls at what age/grade did you go and get you extent at? And do/did you use tampons or pad?

you can't really put it contained by too far as once it hits the neck of the cervix it won't go any further. So long as you renovation them at regular intervals and use the right absorption option you should be find.

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You can't push it too far.

Thats why in attendance is such a long string. Its designed specifically so that even if you push the tampon too far you can still get it out.

If the string breaks... Well, thats another story...

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ummmm, no one ever say that. it's impossible to put it in too far. It would just hit your cervix and stop, no wound done, I hit it all the time! lol

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well basically be careful umm i think it would newly hurt. you can tell if its to far up there because it will hurt really doomed to failure

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it might get stuck and you may have to capture it surgically removed

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i've never experienced this
the instructions are clear so it can almost never go wrong

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It can get stuck and you enjoy to go to a gp or hospital to get it removed.

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