How can i move about to the gynocologist?

i am 17 and im sexually active just started and i want to budge to a gyno because i heard that after you need to start going for check up

i dont want my dad to know anythign or that i even want to go. i dont have insurance so what can i do?? facilitate!!
i live in mary land by the instrument

I may enjoy a uti is here anything i can do to lessen the headache until i see a doctor?

You can either go to Planned Parenthood or to the Public Health Department. They be in motion on a sliding scale for payment, so they are any very inexpensive or free. They protect your privacy, so they won't call your parents. They will supply you an exam and talk with you nearly birth control and STD's. If you can't find one of these places you can call a local gynecologist and they can point you in the right direction.

Birth Control - Long Bleeding?

Depending on what division of it you don't want to tell your dad, he's been around the block a few times, and if you merely tell him that you need to see a womanly doctor because health class told you do, do it.

If not, call around the multiple facilities and ask if they're taking new patients and how much a pap smear and exam is in need insurance. Find one you can afford, save up, and go. You're right that it's time for you to dance, and I'm glad you are making an effort.

You may be able to travel to Planned Parenthood or the public health department if your financial situation permits it; name them too.

How soon will the birth control work on me? Other question too?

You don't have to tell your dad that you are sexually influential if you really don't want to. You should tell him that you are having some concerns and want to return with what my doctor's office calls a "Well Woman's Checkup". You do necessitate to start getting yearly pap smears done. And your doctor should talk to you roughly speaking any concerns you may have about the overall strength of your body. You need to tell your doctor the WHOLE truth though. Otherwise they cannot facilitate you. You need to be honest and tell them that you are sexually live, and then they can go from at hand. You might want to look up some free clinics in your area, they might know how to help if you are worried about paying for things. Having every twelve months checkups is something everybody should do, and women need to have every twelve months pap smears at those appointments. You shouldn't be ebarrassed about asking your dad that you want to see a doctor, it is something that everybody should do.

Question for you girls?

Since you're 17, you should still be covered under your parents condition insurance. IF you want to go to the gynecologist, just drive yourself in attendance. Your dad would completely understand. You should start getting yearly checkups after you start your time for the first time. You could also call your local health department or planned maternity office for more help and for clinic schedule which are free or fairly low-cost.

Missed week unpaid..?

go to a planned motherliness and its inexpensive if you don't have insurance. Your dad will not find out, and you can get birth control pills as in good health (and he will not find out)

Does the birth control patch really work ?

someone has to know. because u have to run for regular visits. having sex doesn't opt if u need to go or not. and since your not 18 but u should be covered by your dad's insurance. tell your mom if possible, or an aunt, grandmother, or elder sister if u have any. or a friend's mom even.

How affective are birth control patchs?

goto a planned parenthood clinic, or one close to that. but apparently they're not very good, my mom's friend go and they didnt find the STD she had. Just make an appointment yourself, or agree to a woman you're close to. it's soo much easier :) my mom was very liable to help.

Need to gain Birth Control?

Check your local Health Dept. or clinic. Usually like a Family Planning type of establishment. They are free or especially low cost and will give you a check up as well as conducting tests and birth control. Remember to always use condoms even if you are on a female birth control.

Is it possible for me to grow anymore? I'm 13, 5'2" and own already have my length?

okay for the record since you 17 sweetie you have 2 own your parents too sign and make appt for you too see the gynocologist because you are a minor

Is in that any road to tighten up a loose vagina?

In my state you can go to the vigour department and they will help you out. If it is not free, it is not very expensive.

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