Vaginal discharge?

I'm about 2 days late for my term - which is almost never regular - but i recently started having sex. My boyfriend doesnt attend college next to me so whenever we do, i only use a condom. I thought i had my extent today, but it turned out to be a big(ger than normal) amount of white, gooey vaginal discharge. What's this mean?

How do you know?

hey hun, my bf i met at uni and been dating a year and a partly juss starting having sex recently too. I notice since down there is more open, that I take much more of the white discharge. But Ive also been on the pill so I am on my period. So I tight u guys were safe so Im sure you will catch ur period soon. If not, then jump see ur doctor :)

Can men use?

Changes to your body from having sex is more than likely, and can also bottleneck your periods.
Id say your extent will arrive in the next couple of days but if it doesnt turn and see your doctor or take a home pregnancy test newly to ease your mind.

Birth control examine?

um i dunno.
your probably going to start soon

Possible length for a 10 year matured?

Im worried to contribute blood...?
Possible infection?
Pap smear is pre-scheduled...during menstrual cycle?
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