Im worried to hand over blood...?

my schools having a blood drive and i a short time ago signed up with my friend, but now im upset cuz i cant even look at blood. does it hurt ? and what do they do. does the blood like actually produce a difference ? cuz it always seemed approaching they have enough blood to dance around, so do you really "save lives " by giving blood ? i know im gonna go through next to it... i just kinda would like to know what to expect. OH also how much blood do they hold and do you feel light head afterwords usually ??

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Oh sweetie! I've got that same problem too, and like, whenever I see blood, I stir limp. Very terrified and I could yell, run, and hide if I saw someone get their blood done. SO foul to me.

Call me weird if u want, but it's just so.. EWWW!

P.S. Can u plez cut me a break and choose me as a best answer? If u could that'd be lately great! Thanks, but if u don't want to...well., u don't have to..I.I..I guess. :/

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Your blood can pick up up to 3 peoples lives. It really is no big deal. At first they will take some info from you and verify that you are eligible to confer. Then you will move to a cot and they will clean your arm (the inside of your elbow) they will tye a band around your upper arm and look for a virtuous vein. Next they will stick you with the nozzle and tell you to squeeze (make a fist over and over) It should take you around 15 min. to grant maybe less. They with the sole purpose take a pint and then they will remove the hypodermic and put a bandage over where they stuck you beside the needle. They will tell you to drink plenty of liquid and to limit exercise for the rest of the day. Then you will move to an nouns that is set up with snacks (drinks and cookies etc..) Make sure you drink at smallest one before you leave. Some family do get light team leader after giving so if you feel the least bit lightheaded be paid sure to let the tech. know before you capture up. Congradulate your self for helping someone who is in need of the blood you of late gave.

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They use iodine to clean your arm and the nonspecific area within the bend of your arm. It's juts for a moment prick and it really doeesn't hurt that bad. Make sure that you drink plenty of water beforehand and stay away from caffeine and its products. YES one pint can be used for up to 3 transfusions so it does cause a difference.. They take 1 pint and that's all. They will report to you to sit there for about 15 and afterwards you should be okay. Remember lots of water and a good, strong meal before mitt.

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Just don't look and really it doesn't hurt more than a little pinch in the arm. Its really the thought specifically tough. If you don't look, you should be fine. If you get lightheaded, tell the nurse. This happen a lot. You will be fine. Some people enjoy so much anxeity that they have to lie down afterwards. And others its no big matter. Have your friend distract you while you blood is being taken and you will be just fine. Way to shift.

Edit. Yes, the extra blood saves lives. Think if there be a huge disature in your area, adjectives that blood will come in handy. Also, there are lots people that need transfusions and everybody have different blood types. So, the more blood that is collected, the more to choose from

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Ok, im going to be honest.
It hurts. Trust me.
The needle is big and and kinda gluey and they make you squeeze this thing specifically connected to a machine, and if you let step or dont squeeze hard enough, the device will beep and it means you hold to do it longer. And then, for a few days after, your arm will still hurt. I personally wouldnt do it again. It also depends on how much twinge you can deal with. But overall, it hurts.

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Yes, it hurts a bit, but not impossibly. You can chat and visit with the family around you while you are waiting for the blood bag to fill. It is in the order of a pint which you can easily spare. They give you cookies and liquid when you are done so you won't feel woozy. You WILL feel thrilled you gave blood- it does make a difference.

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Nahhh ive done it several times its in recent times a little pinch on your arm and you squeeze a little spongy entry and then your done and they give you some liquid and sweets and sometimes a free tshirt. And yes it does save lives, depending on where you live most blood bank are low on donors.

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it's okay! At least you know you're saving someone. And yes they do requirement blood. Hundreds of people are in an emergency room everyday and blood is constantly needed. I don't reflect on you will because they won't take a lot that you won't hold some. If you don't look at them taking the blood then it shouldn't be that bad. Well indeed you are doing a virtuous charity. Keep it up!

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Don't be afraid. It doesn't hurt that much and they give you free food and drink afterwards. Kinda like a big, mass picnic...!

Oh, and you won't even consideration the difference when they've finished with the procedure. Really, it's a snap...!

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its kinda scary to be honest but it doesnt hurt much.. and i never touch lighteheaded but sum ppl do they ususally give u a cookie afterwards how much do they take hmmm it depends when i be getting tested for allgergies they took about 3 vials they will prob take smaller number than that=]

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They take one pint.. it is fine.. I am under the counterbalance limit and i did not feel insubstantial headed. It does help citizens who need it.. if you do not want to see your blood tell them and you wont own to see it.. it does not hurt!

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Then dont give blood seems simple to me.

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