To adjectives the women out in attendance. if you could shrink me down to 3 inches contained by rank? what would you do to me?


Yaz birth control.?

I had a dream a while ago... there be a palm-sized fairy, and I kept her in my room. I be really scared that she could disappear, and in my dream, I KNEW I be dreaming... It was so weird. I woke up and I be disappointed that she wasn't real :\

I really did have this dream, by the agency. SO... I would want to keep you next to me :)

Meds and ur period?

hi, i would fold you within half ,put you in my case and get you out to pay the bills ,lol.

Hurts when I pee? upset give a hand?

If i shrunk you down to 3 inches surrounded by height, I would most likely lose you so wouldn't do anything.

Any great tampons that dont initiate up when inserted?

i would rip you apart member by limb...because you're small and I can. ha! and I would be taking out my frustration on you... especially if I was nutty at other men. hehehehe..
*evil laugh*

Help me! I'm panicky of...?

I would flick you across the room like a booger.

I'm 27 years and this is very soon 10 months i havent see my time, i be on the pills but a stop taking them?

I would flush you down the toilet!

While taking Yaz, what light of day will you fire up your time of year?

What would you do to me?...Have you stand outside and yell when a tangible man came by

Im confused!?

I would give you a cuddle

Can anyone convey me what this funds?

i would lend you to my gay masculine friends & they could use you as there *********

I started growing breasts when i be around 10 years behind the times, and wen i get to 13 my breasts be 36 b already!?

what would i do to you?? huh??

This is the third time Ive asked this ask, somebody please supply me a genuine answer!!?

I'd set up a freak show and use you to get rich!

Emergency! i stipulation oblige!!?

i'd make a contribution u to my little sis to stay in her barbie house .. you'll love it there

Any one else experience this while on Ortho Tricyclen lo?

I sometimes bleed after sex?
Urinary Tract Infection quiz.?
My girlifriend took 9 or 10 advils at a time?
  • Underarm sweating?
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