Underarm sweating?

Okay well i'm in 8th order and like i sweat under my arms, and it is so embarassing. i similar to can't wear shirts that are tight under the arm. I can be cold and will sweat under near.

i wear secret deoderant and it works for a LITTLE while.

what should i do!

I want to stop!

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This is COMPLETELY normal, as you are lately entering puberty. Your hormones are raging, and unfortunately that also means your sweat glands are secrete sweat. There's really nothing that could stop it, just concealing outfit it. If you were older and you developed a condition where on earth you were sweating all the time, it is possible to in truth get botox in your underarm nouns to supress the secretatory actions of the sweat glands. But since you are only contained by 8th grade, you need to simple wear strong deoderant, shower habitually, and realize that, believeit or not, nearly everyone else your age is sweating just as much as you, and they are all probably lately as subconscious about it. Try using secret clinical strength deoderant, and applying it a few times a daylight, even before you go to bed, and wear feathery, airy clothing that allows your skin to breath. If it is happening all the time, and is accompany by feeling faint, restrained headed, or any other symptoms, see your doctor asap. Sweating can also be a reaction to anxiety, as all right as some medications, such as anti-anxiety and anti-depressant meds. Hope this helps.

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I hold a problem with deodrants, if you start using them you need them more & more, I hold never used a deodrant in my life & I am never sweaty lower than my arms & I never smell. Deodrants cause a lot of problems - I am mid-fourties & any of my academy pals who sprayed deodrants liberally underneath their arms all got breast cancer, also, while we be at school, all of these folks had a permanent wan stain on their white uniform shirts.

To quell the problem, use talcum powder - think of it, talcum powder is bound to dry up any excess sweat (but safely). Steer clear of spray-on deodrants, if you need one use a roll on. My point is - the smaller amount you use these products, the less you need them.

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You can return with prescription strength from your doctor, but they do have Secret clinical strength available in most stores in a minute and that works pretty well. Deodorant should be put on at night, so try to shower beforehand you go to bed rather than when you wake up up. And definitely carry some contained by your purse. If you start to feel sweaty, you can go to the bathroom, wipe your pits next to some paper towels (I advise doing this within a stall to avoid ridicule) and apply more deodorant.

Some facilitate please? preferably ladies who hold be or are pregnant?others meet though?

well 1st of all transport the deoderant with you so there will be no body odor. but try to remove your underarm hiar when u haev mroe hackle you tend to sweat more. Also look for seceret clinical streght it works better. There are some deoderants for people with excessive perspiration. You can ask a pharmacist for more option!

Hope this helps, Indian VolleyBall Lover

I only just started contained by November and I own a few question...?

I think if you shift to a doctor and tell them about your problem, they can any prescribe you extra-strength deodorant or a pill to control perspiration. In the meantime, invest in a nice loose hoodie and wear extra deodorant. In fact, use the kangaroo pocket on the front of your hoodie to convey a stick of deodorant around with to to apply surreptitiously between classes or wherever. ;-)

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okay, I'm a guy, but Arm and Hammer deodorant/antiperspirant works great and it is odorless. And make sure you re using antiperspirant because that keeps you from sweating and make you not smell bad, but deodorant just make you not smell good (Like spray on isn't antiperspirant, you need stick deodorant)

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some ppl sweat more than others, one entity u can do is try switching deoderants and trying other kinds. one might work better. also, wear dark shirts more regularly and looser shirts to cover it up in the meantime. There is no real course to get rid of it.

What age did you start your length?

Try like one of those roll on deodrants...they work really ably for me...you don't sweat for like hours on end.. next as you feel you're starting to sweat again just roll some more on.
The roll on one i own is from the impulse brand...but you can get others :)

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hold you seen the comercials for the secret clinical strength? don't topple for it! i sweat alot too and am involved in lots of physical activity and I use Secret Platinum. It seem to work really well for me. :)

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Deodorant is to cover odor, get an antiperspirant, that prevents odor, and shift around til you find what works for you, we're all different.

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Deoderant will not get the sweating to stop. It will with the sole purpose make it not smell. However, maybe buy an antipersperant, and it will stop the sweating (Anit-persperation...gain it?)

Vaginal sore?

You should exercise more, evuentualy you sweat less, if you do more exercising

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You may have to get the deoderant with you at all times and periodically use it to hold on to dry.

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Yeah, deoderant is good. Also, try to wear tanks or camis contained by the summer. The pores can open up and you won't sweat!

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oh gosh i had this same problem
There is this role on deoderant that you can buy

it is call Certain Dri.
it comes in a box.

works wonders

good luck

Please facilitate me numeral this out!?

prescription or extra strngth deodo.

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it works for meeee!
worth the try for youuuu!

How to be smaller number anxious?

move about to the store and get better deoderant

Cherry poping from experience lone please?

keep the deorant beside you

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Sit still and never move/exert yourself.

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use LADY SPEED STICK, It helps me..

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