Snoring is driving me batty?

would you leave someone if they snored so loud you couldnt sleep I have to sleep surrounded by the day as my partner snores so bad have this for 4 yrs now?

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Most of the tricks, devices, pills and even some of the difficult surgical procedures tend to fail. My best suggestion is Boot's wax ear plugs. None of the rubber, foam or plastic ones work.

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I can totally identify near you. My husband was so bad I have to sleep in another room some nights. I finally made him an appointment at a sleep clinic. Turned out he have sleep apnea. Look up sleep apnea sites and sleep clinics in your area and book him contained by. He was only getting nearly 2 hours REM sleep a night! He went on a breathing tool at night, (it was sooo much better than the snoring) lost weightiness and had his tonsils out. What a difference that made, not to mention his awareness of the problem. He still snores some when he has be drinking but a huge difference.

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he can get things 2 help him not snores , my husband use 2 snore and i be going mad like you are , but if he gos the the cemist thay can tender him something 2 help him stop . if not he can run 2 the docter and thay will find out how 2 help him he may need a short time op ,it only a day piece, if hes love s you he will sort this out for you, as i knoe how you feel , good luck i hope hes gos and sorts it out,

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I myself am a terrable snorer, seriously I nouns like a bear! I tried out a untried spray called Silence (available in chemist) and it really works, its going on for 20euro for a can that lasts about a month but its worth every cent! doesnt work so all right if you drink alcohol just before using but, otherwise its totally potent...

What could be wrong?

i just wake my boyfriend up when he's snoring and bring up to date him, he usually says he's not but then he change positions so its either not as bad or it stops. You could natter to him about getting one of those breath right strips i heard those are supposed to assist open your nasal passage so you can breath lacking snoring.

Omfg im soo pissed rotten?

You need to get something to stop him snoring. don't follow the recommendation that tell you to buy ear plugs, - that only fixes the problem for YOU.

You necessitate to go to the root of the cause and stop the snoring. Snoring can be immensely serious over time, and is a problem for your husband. Buy a Slumber Guard - it should do the trick.

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My husband's snoring got worse after we quit smoking 1 1/2 yrs ago...we now enjoy to sleep in separate beds...he wake the kids as well. He recently did a sleep study and other test, they told him he suffers from acute sleep apnea and snoring, and also post nasal drip...not sure what the next step will be. Has he tried the breath right strips? They did nothing for my hubby :( I will maintain you posted as to what the docs do to help..

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I sure would coz it bothers me alot ,if he does not change within the first to second month of our relationship.But for your case 4 years is so long,I bet if he cant change you would own to learn to live with it.

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Send him to another room, or try Nasonex - available on prescription and made by Schering Plough

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try to gain your parnet o sleep on his side as you snore more when ou sleep straight or by those nose strips which stop or reduce snoring

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sleep next to ear plugs...2 block out the noise.
it doesn't usually make u touch deff but it does make the snoring a lot smaller number noisy...(it's kinda like putting down the volume)

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I know it sounds really unexpected but try one loud clap when he starts snoring. Its worked for me before.

I get it-now how do i detail my mom?

Sleep in another room..

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Put a pillow over his frontage, but don't kill him.


Then use some ear plugs , you wont hear a sound

Fasst growing tresses?? Hellp? attendance is other ways than leaving him lol. take him the docs.

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conceivably you could pick up some breathe right strips

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5 week and 3 morning pregenent , one and only could see gestational sac, no yolk sac or fetal pole. I am terrified.?
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