Is it too deferred ? folic tart / B12 defect?

please tell me anything you know
my lab results came hindmost ... i have folic acid / B12 defect and Ca deficiency and vitamin D deficiency
my docotrs said I want injections of vitamin B12 and start on pills after that ( tomorrow first injection) ... ok so i came here to google folic acid B12 less and i found that it may cause
leukemia !! i'm scared !!
more or less me
i'm 18 female . other than that i'm full-bodied
i'm not vege ... i just don't eat meat especially much ...
i used to drink soda alot and now i stopped
i began taking vitamin D pills for over a year presently

PLEASE PLEASE tell me anything you know
i don't want to ask the doctor tomorrow because i want to know today

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Just get the injections and pills. How low is your folic tart and B12? The most common complications of both is megaloblastic anemia and B12 deficiency also cause neurological symptoms (SCD of the spinal cord). If you're pregnant, your child may have neural tube defect or other abnormality. The others complications are not as common so don't stress too much...ask your doctor to be honest what he thinks may be the complications you may own. Don't believe everything you see in the internet...some of the journals a short time ago writes down every possible complications but you should also be aware how many manifests could be a really really small percentage and the patients may hold other co-morbidities. It's ok to research but take everything you read on the internet with a particle of salt. Better to ask your doctor in your baggage. Hope everything works out for you.

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