Masterbaiting tips?
& while you are at it, please, any masterbaiting tips?
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Answers: If this is serious, your first problem is the spoon, why on earth a spoon, if you are into it so much at least walk out and buy the correct supplies. a dildo, vibrator or something of the sort. How about some good outdated fashion fingers?
I have amazing orgasms! By tensing my body adjectives the way through and only rubbing my clit beside knickers on. Wow! I think the friction and tensing is a must have. We are adjectives different but worth a try. Having di** and tense rubbing! Purfect!
But if you DIY then what i said works wonders beside my body! So pleased i can have such great orgasm.
i wouldnt recommend putting spoon up there, you could really injure yourself. why not invest in a vibrator??!!
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Tip #1:spel korrektlee.
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a spoon? try something with a more vag-friendly shape!a spoon?
dont use a spoon.
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