5 week and 3 sunshine pregenent , solitary could see gestational sac, no yolk sac or fetal pole. I am worried.?

Hi all, i got pregnent natually after 4 years, we be so excited. I wnated to scan and see, my pregnent was a real one, becasue i could not belive i fell pregnent natuallry after substandard 2 IVF and 3 cycle clomid, and my ovarian drilling booked for 5th of June this year. Some how i made a scan and they scan and told me only 5 weeks and no York sac or fetal pole. Iam scared very soon.
Anyone experinced like me, i got my subsequent scan on 7th May.
I don't have all the symptoms with the sole purpose little, i got sore boobs which is comes and goes, and extraordinarily very little nausea.

Weird discharge?

I really don't want to scare you, and you could see a different picture on the subsequent few scans, but it sounds like a blighted ovum. My mom have it a few years ago. I'm an RN about to turn 25 and my mom wanted another babe! I was really excited for her when she found out she was pregnant. Like you she really didn't own many of the usual symptoms. Her breasts were sore and she be really tired most of the time. By her 6th week, they still had not seen the "child," just an empty sac. By the 8th week, she have started to spot this dark brown color and she went for a sono. This time they could bring up to date there was nil in the sac. A blighted ovum is where an egg next to malformed or missing chromosomes is fertilized and is implanted, but nothing forms. Your body is fooled into thinking it's growing a baby. I really hope this is not the crust in your situation! My mom went through hell and I wouldn't want that on anyone!

Quick time of year cross-examine?

I'm sure you'll be fine. It's really early to be concerned about that kinda stuff nonetheless!

Worst Pain Ever :(?

Congratulations. I am 9 weeks pregnant with my first baby too and it's really exciting but similar to you i was very agitated at the beginning of the pregnancy as i didnt want anything to go wrong. You enjoy obviously been through a traumatic adequate time trying to conceive so i would say you are 100 times worse than what i was (and i be bad) i think us all first time expectant mothers are restless as we dont really know whats going on. I have been logged onto a website name www.babycenter.com its brilliant as it details what size your baby is week by week, what is growing eg. fingers, toes etc week by week, shows you what it looks like and unsurprisingly what is happening to you. Your baby if i remember correctly is roughly speaking the size of a grain of rice so its still fairly small so dont nouns, you got a really early scan so here wouldnt of been alot to see anyway. I also have sore boobs, am really really sleepy, but never get sick just a little nausea just approaching you so this is normal!! Do a little research yourself on the internet and register next to that website (i look forward everry week to my email) you have nothing to verbs about, your maybe newly a little over anxious due to the difficult run up to getting pregnant. I wish you adjectives the luck in the world. Take care. xx

Can u narrate me if this is usual?

hi, this is up to me right now too. i am 5 weeks 5 days pregnant and had a scan today... no yolk sac solitary gestational sac. i am so worried as a had an ectopic three months ago and they can't rule out that i'm having another one or a miscarrage.
BUT they said it be still really early and that the gestational sac was surrounded by the right place. i will have another scan in 10 days to see. but the waiting is a nightmare!
my symptoms are constipation, sore boobs, moodiness.
i option you good luck and try to relax.

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