Does Any Birth Controls Cause You To Get Stretch Marks?
Some birth control can cause weight gain which can do stretch marks. The birth control itself doesn't. Stretch marks are cause when the skin is stretched beyond what it's used to, like when a woman gets pregnant or puts on abundantly of weight. Sometimes the marks remain even when the counterbalance is lost.Can you still find Ovulation pains when you're on the Contraceptive Pill ??
No birth control pills do not cause birth marks.Dry skin, nouns of moisture in skin and collagen causes stretch grades. I have 3 children and no stretch marks. I used skin conditioner's for my skin every dark before bed. My husband enjoyed rubbing my belly and final.
birth control doesnt cause stretchmarks silly. stretch marks are cause by stretching out the skin to fast like if you gain alot of weight real prompt that will cause it
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