Sex while menstruating?

I get really bad cramps during that time of the month and i don't want to do anything, permit alone have sex. My girlfriend insists that we do it and it literally makes me poorly. It's painful and it's disgusting. I think i'm have psychological problems with the thought of getting my period and next having sex, however she doesn't understand that i find infiltration painful when i'm on. Is there anything which i can pinch? please reply - i feel as though i'm going mad


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I'm sorry, but it sounds as though your girlfriend is forcing you to enjoy sex when you quite obviously do not want it. There's a word for forced sex...

I suggest you should be thinking about getting away from someone so disrespectful and selfish that they would put you through the work of penetration when you have expressed your distress.

At least 30% of women in same sex relationships hold been subjected to lesbian rape. Many of them go unreported as sometimes it entail coming out to family and friends, as well as disbelief by the authorities who do business with the case. If you own been sexually abused then you obligation to get away. You probably don't even realise that what she is doing is wrong, because you are so adament to please her.

Believe me hon i am speaking from experience. I was within an abusive same sex relationship also and i had to go away for my own sanity and life. I'm a Muslim convert presently and my life has never be better. I'm not saying that you should give up your lesbian lifestyle at adjectives - so please do not misunderstand me (i did what i had to do) , however take angelic care of yourself and find yourself another girl who seriously loves you and treats you better.

Good Luck hon




BELIEVE ME... I know that we all occassionally do things for our loved ones that we'd fairly not. Sometimes we grin and bear things because we love them and want to give 'em want they want.
Lots of folks own sex while on their period, but if you find it "painful and disgusting" later midol may alleviate the painful but, but you're still left w/ the psychological hang-up on it being gross.
I applaud you trying to endure things for your lover, but if she persist in having you do things that are tender and clearly unpleasant for you, then she's the one w/ the prob... not you.
What you need to do is find yourself a brand current, compassionate lover.

Any opinion on tubal ligation?

normal to feel this instrument actually. many women dont want sex during their interval. many women also find it uncomfortable or tender due to the hormone irregularties that are occuring.

best thing to do is talk to your doctor or ob/gyn in the region of this. talk to your doctor first, suggest birth control as many women use this to variety their periods lighter and easior to handle while person ready if you have a sex crazed boyfriend or husband.

Help please?!?!?

definitely shes a ******* girl if she has her period.

anyway, its completely ordinary. i actually think its strange your girlfriend desires to have sex during your period, my boyfriend and i did once, and we both thought it be gross. but everyones different. but she should respect your choice not to have sex when you dont want to. if shes pressuring you into it you should tell her how you grain. maybe you can do like mutual masturbation or something.

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Ummm very well you would think your partner being a girl would apprehend how you feel cause she have monthly curses too. Maybe you could just tell her you will satisfiy her desires and she can make yours up after your over your period. and if she still insists on you to be involved fully after you need to find a different girlfriend cause she doesnt really caution for you if she is forcing you to do something you don't want to do.

Female Breast press?

If YOU have an issue with it, afterwards YOU don't have to do it. It IS a free country after all, and you do NOT own to do anything with YOUR body that YOU are opposed to.

If your girlfriend insists next she really does NOT care for you at all and is one exceptionally selfish. Next time she gets uppity something like it, just walk out and don't look put money on!

Question just about birth control?

wait r u gay or somthing because ur picture is a girl and you have a girlfriend any instrument might want to include that uh well you need to detail her sex isnt worth doing it if it's gonna make me feel discomfited i won't have fun and you'll just sit within trying to knock me up but it won't work

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so your a lesbian.!
its up to you whether you do it or not.
penetration should not be painful,even whilst menstruating. Sounds resembling your issue is 'sex while having monthly cycle? hmmm.
If you dont wanna do it, dont..
Your partner needs to respect that.

HELP!, I Really obligation Advice something like BULIMIA, a youthful girl who very soon is Thin, but still Thinks She's Fat?...

only just tell your girl friend. it a no no. you should do nothing that your mortified with. and you need to sit down and sort the problem out. fitting luck.

Have you have an abortion?

try links OK i a man but got 5 daughters

http://teenadvice.more or

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Just don't have sex while you're on your period :/ Simple as, it's not really pleasant and you clearly don't enjoy it

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You can grow a backbone and tell your girlfriend "NO".

A quiz more or less shaving, this is crazyy but...?

Thats particularly normal, just right to be heard No.

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Help i cant stand this my time is here 24/7 im 16 yeas old-fashioned plz give support to read adjectives of this?
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What's wrong!? i'm overdue for my interval and DEFINATELY not pregnant.?
  • Period and pap smear.. AH?
  • This is SUPER degrading PLEASE HELP?

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