Is this a unusual time from morning after pill or could i be pregnant?

ok I had unprotected sex a few times with my bf within march and april.. my last spell before this one was on motorcade 20th. My cycles is always 28 days long or 29 never ever earlier or following (I'm 21). One of the times we had unprotected sex I realised it was around a date I could be ovulating the 16th year of m cycle(the other times it was unprotected it was when I be on my period or right after it finished). When I realised this I took the morning after pill two days later on the 18th daylight of my cycle. After this incident he has always pulled out but this month my time of year has been really strange. I get my period three days earlier consequently I was supose to, it was supose to come on the 17th or 18th of the month but it come on the 15th. It was only two days lond and diffrent later normal and on the weekend i saw a tiny drop of brown on my underwear on this from the pill or is something serious going on. I also have be crying a lot lately



Sounds like you could be - better dance get a test. The tiny drop of brown could exceptionally well have be implantation bleeding.

My wonderful, first child, a daughter, who is now 19 is a withdrawal method poster child. You might consider another form of BC if you are not pregnant.

Otherwise, tolerate it live! You'd be surprised at how wonderful unplanned people can turn out!

Am I a competitor for an IUD?

Progesterone will force a period on and generate you bleed heavy. If you haven't done so, you need to step to your dr. It could be a pregnancy. It's best to be checked out. Please use protection, unprotected sex is no wise.

Does implantation bleeding arise 7 days after unprotected sex?

It's probably from the morning after pill. The next couple period after you take it can be messed up. I'd give it a month longer and see if your extent goes back to typical.

Hard lump appeared surrounded by breast?

It's probably from the pill, it has happened to me also. But if you enjoy any questions take a home tryout. And go from there.

Has anyone else have problems next to bleeding while on Nuvaring?

Help..boobs request for information lol?
Help!! Still didn't capture my extent!?
I inevitability sustain?

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