Help i cant stand this my extent is here 24/7 im 16 yeas infirm plz assistance read adjectives of this?

in 16 years old almost 17 and im other on my period and i cant stand it i been on for approaching 4 years i only go bad for 1 or 3 days and i sucks bec i can do anything i want to bec of it ok when i pee it is big clogs of blood and i will have to pee like adjectives the time bec the big pices or blood will not come out any other way if i dont pee it out and if i open my legs blood will basically come out not a little but a lot and if i move to much it will move about every were i have told my docter but the dont know what wrong near me they have ran deeply of test and still they dont know and iam always within a crabby mood my mom not going to let me go on the pill bec im 16 and she think i going to have sex but im not i just want this to stop i want to be in motion out this my friends and not think of my period i want to wear white only just plz help there have to be something that i can do and this is not just a way for you to carry points i need help im not here for yall to yak about plz just back this texas girl out

Contraceptive Pill Arm Rod??!!?

You have a serious health problem, which could wreak you more health problems. Bleeding all the time could variety you anemic, just for starters. In addition, it could be a sign of other strength problems which you need to take concern of.

You are allowed to make an appointment with the doctor, and I believe he is allowed to prescribe treatment for you minus your parents permission. You should respect your parents, but you need to formulate a fuss with your mom on this issue. Give her a nice, big, juicy, TMI description of what is occurring and then ask her if she would like to live next to this? For real effect, go ahead and throw yourself a nice, big pubescent fit with all of the pertinent info right contained by front of your mom AND Dad! Then, even if your mom won't budge, your Dad will probably tell her to help you newly to get you to stop talking roughly speaking it. Then tell her that you need to trademark an appointment with the doctor, but you would rather do it near her blessing.

Now, you need to see a gynecologist. Not just a pediatrician or a regular doctor. See if your mom can fix you up next to a lady doctor. It's just plain easier to settle to gals about this stuff - they can understand and easily have more empathy.

If your mom won't help you, progress see the school nurse and ask her if she can recommend a good female gynecologist, and maybe if she's nice she'll even help you trademark an appointment.

You're probably in a crabby mood because your iron is low (anemia). The doctor you see should test you for this formerly you leave the office. If it is low, she will notify you to buy some iron pills to help restore your blood iron. Iron in your blood help your blood carry oxygen to your cells. No Iron = no oxygen = sleepiness and muscle fatigue and Oscar the Grouch.

Good luck, dear! I hope you find out what's wrong and capture some help!

I inevitability to pee profoundly but i am lone 16. should i be worried?

Tell your mom that your worried and tired of bleeding and you just want it to be regulated. Ask her if you can see a different doctor for a second evaluation. Maybe look on the internet and research the symptoms your having. Maybe ya have some sort of hormonal inequity. Best of luck to you girl.

Why do citizens rebuff to adopt that pms is a medical entity and NOT a self-image entity?

Well you gotta get on the pill, and if you are 'going to have sex' wouldnt she to some extent get you on birth control than you be preg?! Crazy! Sry about your situation, i basically have the worst cramps in the world so they suck.

Ovarian Cyst grill..?

(Punctuation is your friend)

Go to the doctor. This is serious. You could own a serious condition and you could become very ill. Go to the doctor very soon. Ignore your mother. DO IT.

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the only suggestion i know is that doctors can prescribe birth control pills in such a instrument as to either regulate or halt your flow.

Why are so oodles completely infantile girls already have sex?

go to a doc.hurry hon.
silver the doc ur going to.

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i think you have a problem

For the moms out near? and to the ones who told here moms?

Back surrounded by the 70's when this happened women could request a D&C. It is a complete cleaning of the womb. It is not without risks and I significantly doubt it would be ok for someone your age.My Mother had one before she get married to my Dad at 19 because she said she would not go thru married life bleeding every two days. It help some, but the pill is what ultimately helped her out the most. Even back afterwards.

I really think your only odds is being put on the pill This is not fair nor natural for you to be on your period all the time.

Good luck hon.

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progress to a doc
i can't help you-i don't believe anyone on here can- i doubt a gyno has time to go and get on here and help you with your cross-question.
you have to go asap
when u stir make sure you get tested for std's close to chlamydia and such too!
I know a girl who had that and she always have her period
that is fearsome and i wouldn't be messing around hoping for it to just go away
{answer please-;...

Pregnancy / smoking interrogate.?

you nouns like I was years ago, I go to the doctor a bunch of times one time in tears because I knew contained by my heart there was something wrong. Finaly they listend to me and did a Laparoscopy surgury too look surrounded by my reproductive organs and found out about the pain and cumbersome periods it was fibroids and endometrisos. I am not aphorism thats what you have but that surgury helpd find out the cause. Your period are not normal and be a pain within the butt to your doctor till they find out. If birth control pills should help get your doctor to chat to your mom. Here is a site that could help you understand the procidure. If you own any more questions send me a message

If you clutch Yaz BC, could you give a hand me out?

Have your Dr. cooperate to your mom about the birth control pills. Those usually stop it in a few days or it tiniest slow it down until it's normal. I seriously would just hold the Dr. try and convince your mom otherwise. Tell her it is seriously putting a cramp in your day to sunshine life. I am positive she would hate bleeding resembling that for years so why would she want to put her daughter thru that. Good luck sweetie.

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