My husband have taken finasteride,I own become pregnant since 1 month ago,is any risk for fetus?abort or no?


About the birth control shot . . .?

you need to talk to your doctor asap. There may not be any damage, or they may need you to go another month or so, so they can check next to ultrasound. Don't go for an abortion until you've talked in the order of all your options beside a knowledgable doctor.

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The decision to have an abortion can solely be made by you and your husband. Unfortunately when your husband was prescribed this he should have be told that if you were pregnant or likely to become pregnant you should enjoy used a condom. Finesteride is excreted through the semen and is such a drug that even handling it when pregnant can be dangerous. I think you should wish urgent medical advise on this. Hope this drug works for your husband and that eventually you go on to hold healthy babies.

Any suggestions... Mature associates Preferably!?

Oh goodness no!!

There is no jeopardy to your baby through your husband's use of finasteride.

There may be risks if you take medication while pregnant - but this medication, when used by your husband, presents absolutely no risk to your child.

Raise this child and I bet in a few years you will remember this Doctor - and thank him for good your beloved son or daughter.

Congratulations, Mommy!!

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here is a web site
good luck

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Um, ok... in the past you kill your unborn child could you at least walk talk to a Doctor about your concerns over the Finasteride first. *shakes her director just dumbfounded*

Lord, I pray this is a prank question, god forbid it isn't.

Mrs. B

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why would you even post a question on the internet asking complete strangers if you should seize an abortion or not.

Is it majority that my time of year..? (girls and doctors with the sole purpose!!)?

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