STILL WORRIED? please give a hand if you've EXPERIENCED this?

Hi everyone,
I'm 15 and I do NOT have regular periods. Both me and my boyfriend are refusal for any STD's cause we took tests when we needed to become sexually active.
We've had sex 3 times, adjectives the times with a condom, but I'm not on the pill. The first and second time were fine, and I took a assessment and came out negative twice in recent times to be safe.
The third time, the condom had broke, but I notice like right away and told him to pull out, he didn't ejaculate at adjectives, maybe just pre ejaculation.
25 minutes after, the condom have broke I walked over to Shoppers Drug Mart and bought the Plan B EC pill, and took both, I didn't throw up or anything, and it's been more or less a month since this happened. I haven't had any signs of pregnancy, no nausea or frequent peeing or put money on aches etc., but I was supposed to achieve my period on Monday, and I didn't. Today is Wednesday and on my thong (tehe.) there be brown discharge when I got home, could this mean my interval is on its way? I pregnant?

I am not motivated to lose counterweight! i of late cant do it!?

the brown discharge is most likely sign of your extent. i had the morning after pill once the nurse told me it takes 5 days to concieve within the uterus. so if you did it with in 5 days later i'm pretty sure you are ok. please reconsider having sex. control your hormones. your are simply 15. having sex is an adult bustle with adult consequences. you are too childlike to be stuck with a baby next to another teenager as the father. really stupid descion chick. be smart. value you enthusiasm and value your future

How long??

It sounds close to your period is about to start. Every girl is different near their periods. Mine have never be on a monthly schedule and always started any a couple days too soon or a couple to a few weeks late... The more you worry in the region of your period the later it's going to be. Just stay relaxed, and keep your head clear... It should start soon. Stress and worrying can deferral your period.

Have you or anyone you know gotten pregnant by newly using those VCF birth control films?

being on your own next to no parents should be a good reason for u not to own sex. u could get pregnant and end up alone beside no the whole ur to young at heart thing is true no matter what ur 15 yr prehistoric brain thinks.

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You sound as if you are in the region of to start your period. remember it comes every 28 to 30 days even more. It could be late because you are stressed over human being pregnant. Also I know you don't want to hear anyone telling you what to do but if your running out taking a pregnancy test every time you hold sex and the morning after pill.sounds like your still not ready. Because human being ready for sex means man ready for whatever it brings into your time. It is your decision to have sex but reflect about it? It was created for married culture and people who wait till their married and married relations are blessed when it comes to sex. People who abuse it or do it before their time tend to enjoy many many struggles beside it.

Just some food for thought.

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