Does anorexia prevent growth spurt?

or even breast growth?

for almost two years i've only been ingestion only during dinner, and lunch on sundays and school breaks, so i won't verbs my parents. but for 3 months this year i've been eating as a rule again but this last week i've been adjectives myself except for dinners now.
would that still prevent growth and breast growth?
and would that still be called anorexia?
and if i rest will i grow to be what i was meant to be?
because for 2 years i've be the same height but lose 40 pounds.and i'm singular 15
and my breast are still the same as when i was 13

will i capture taller and will it grow bigger if i recover?

What are reason for spotting a week or 2 past my length should start?

Yes, this can cause adjectives these problems, you may not get periods, you're breasts wont grow and you're point growth can be stunted (bear in mind during this type of a disorder you're body is digesting itself to survive, and all its enthusiasm is going to sustaining life and no extra energy can be expended for proper growth.the devout news? If you get some help out now you will continue to grow and develop typically want to become a woman dont you...nobody wants to be stuck with for a moment girls figure forever...who doesnt want to have boobs and a average period, and someday a family...yes you can lead to infertility with this behavior!! ask you're parents for help, if you own been trying so hard for them not to thought I imagine they are the type of people who meticulousness about you very much and would do anything to abet you!

Brownish Discharge?

Your body needs food (fuel) to build cells and you are denying it the fuel it desires. When your body is in starvation mode, it is using all the nutrients it get just to keep up next to regular, necessary processes. A normal growth spurt is impossible if you aren't taking within the proteins, sugars and fats required to build new cell.

Ladies, set me straight!?

Yes, it does. Being undernaurished is the reason why our ancestors were smaller overall, and today empire are bigger.
You should eat 3-4 times a day at least possible, and have good and assorted diet. There is a chance that you will still grow, but i doubt that you will be as tall as if you have eaten normally adjectives the years.

Only girls : What are period??

abnormal eating do extraordinary development.

My ob perscribed me norco10/325 i would conjecture it would be harmfull,i dont know please distribute me some answers,?

Hi im a 21yr old-fashioned womanly and i dont close to shaving my legs! anyone else matching?!?
Please support me!?
Is it ok..?
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