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You may be need to do Kegal exercises!

The idea is unbelievably simple: You would squeeze your sphincter muscles in your rectum area and hold them for as long as possible and release, making sure you are breathing through the process. It's best to do it day after day for about 20 minutes.

Here are more details :
How to do Kegal exercises in 7 steps:

Find your pelvic floor muscles by stopping your flow of urine. Only do this a few times until you are sure you hold found the correct muscles. Stopping the flow of urine can lead to urinary tract infections by causing urine to spinal column up in your kidneys.

Relax before doing Kegal exercises. You can do them sitting or standing. but bring in sure your bladder is empty before commencing.

Squeeze the pelvic floor muscles as hard as you can a few times. Let them relax before commencing again.

Hold them for a count of three to five seconds. Release and relax the muscles before squeezing again. Do this as oodles times as you can until the muscles feel tired.

Work out a routine of doing the Kegal exercises every day. You should start by doing three sets of five squeezes a afternoon.

Increase the sets you do to three sets of ten each day.

Maintain these exercises at tiniest three or four days a week to keep your pelvic floor muscles toned and in upright shape.

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Do your kegal exercises.

Please backing me its urgent!?

kegal exercises

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