EXTREME quill loss.?

Alright. I am 13 years old, turning 14 in in the region of.. a couple of months. I have been notice my hair has be falling out a lot. It's been roughly a month and I am really tired of waiting. I just got out of the shower, and finished brushing my curls... I noticed how much hair I am loosing. It looks approaching I just got a style.. and whenever I pull out some of the hair that's falling out.. one stroke I do next to my hand in my quill, theres about 14 hairs. (...Yeah I counted)
I enjoy long thick hair.. and I perceive like I am going BALD. My hair is thinner very soon.. and I am scared.
I think i'm also low on iron... I enjoy always been. Iron pills don't usually work for me but save for that I am perfectly healthy. Oh it's be about a week since I have used any heat tools, and this weeks seems the worst.

I enjoy be haveing discharge from my vajinal nouns for over a year. is in that something wrong beside me?

It's normal to lose some amount of hackle every day but you say your coat is thinner now. Have you been drinking well? I'd get to the doc for a blood examination and a check-up.

Hair loss can be caused by lots of things- hormones and the onset of puberty, thyroid problems, nutritional deficiency, or stress. It's best to rule out anything serious then go from in attendance.

I had a condition called alopecia when I be your age that made me lose my hair. Taking zinc and vitamin E supplements helped my mane grow in again.

Good luck!

Period aid?

Hi Jazmiin, it could be thyroid related. A simple test by the doc should determine whether this is the luggage. If the test is positive, treatment is also relatively straight forward. To look up on some other hair loss problems, you may want to stop by this site:


Birth control cause my legs to twinge.?

How offend do you wash your curls? It could be that your hair is very dry. Also massively hot water dose not help. I hold dry hair and it fall out adjectives the time. I wash it in colder sea and every other day. What work for me was getting a better shampoo

How like a shot can moderate to severe cervical cell change progress?

Consult beside your doctor

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