Does any one know the cheapest hospital to bring in a vasectomy reversal?


Why am I have this discomfort?!!?

Please don't listen to the person above me. All hospitals are going to be about alike. Save your money, since this is NOT covered by insurance.

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You really need to rethink this. Why are you worried about the cost of a vasectomy reversal when that cost is a drop within the bucket compared to the cost of a baby? A vasectomy reversal is going to be about 10 elegant. That is about what the delivery room alone will cost you.

You also entail to know that vasectomy reversals are seldom successful. They only work about 30% of the time.

The procedure is unprincipled, and that is why only unprincipled doctors will perform them. You will just loose your money.

My mother have a lump within her breast..please lend a hand I'm Scared?

dont have need of a hospital. it can be done in the doctors (Urologist) office. should cost more or less $75-$100 so worried...?

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