Natural cures for ovarian cysts?

I was doing research and came across a book ring natural cures for ovarian cysts. But I can't afford the book. does anyone know about anything I can do to formulate the pain stop or the cysts shrink, or anything helpful. I own been suffering for 4 years, been on numerous different anti-inflammatory, strain killers, birth control, and nothing have helped.
Any insight would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Answers:    I was researching for organic cures, too. I was diagnosed with an ovarian cyst August 6, 2008 and be told to do nothing since they tend to go away on their own. I widely read that the doctor gave me quite a loose answer since it can take as long as 6 months to one year for them to go away on their own. I be prescribed Tylenol 3 for the pain but those cause allot of liver weaken...thankfully the pain isn't too bleak, praise the Lord, but still want a solution. I found an e-book by Laura Hennings called Natural Ovarian Cyst Relief Secrets They Don't Want You To Know About. I'm still looking into this to be sure that it's not an e-book scam, someone else here on answers said she bought the book so I e-mailed to ask her where she ordered it from and if she in actual fact got it. I'll keep you updated, within the meantime I'll give the link to Laura's story in the order of her ordeal with ovarian cysts. One thing you inevitability to do for sure is get off the birth control pills very soon! Don't get an operation if your doctor tells you to. I'll pray for you, honey! I can't interpret what you're going through what I went through was raw enough..
im sure if you research, you'll find some! theres hundreds of drug brands, and one may just be right for you! right luck xx I'm sorry i don't know
But i will pray for you
The best of luck to you hunny

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