Ok seriously why do girls hold cramps?

i want to no y girls have cramps and i have not a soul eles to talk to i live with my dad so please explain to me

Answers:    During your period, your body is shedding the lining of the uterus because it is unwanted to support a pregnancy. While this is happening, your uterus contracts slightly to help expell the inside layer. These contractions are more painful and intense in some women, cause cramps.

If you are having problems with cramps, try tylenol and a heat pad. If they are still severe, talk to your doctor. Birth control pills can oblige lessen cramps, but in most states under 18 you want to get them from your doctor. While generally hugely safe, you should always homily to your doctor before starting any medication.

Good luck, and I hope you feel better!.
it have to everything to do with your uterus contracting and such, try feeling better w/ MIDOL or some other over the counter medication. Also, I hate cramps but it's a great excuse to stay home once in a while and pig out on chocolate! Heating pad on abdomen also offer a hasty feel good remedy! Because mother personality is a sad old daypack lols
:( ii had it this morning and it caned so much

We enjoy cramps because something to do with the muscles in your uterus and it squeezing the blood out or something close to that.

I can't tell you why but i do know that bananas help them I tried drinking one before i go biking riding it help for me and hope it helps for you to! Woman have cramps because their uterus is contracting and twisting. Usually past they get their period..
its something contracting usually too firm or too fast..
i kinda forgot what it was but surrounded by my case
it contracts real flippin strong!.
Because the uterus contracts or moves in and out slightly when your on your period... Like it does when you hold babies... The uterus is contracting to get the blood out of your system..
prolly cause the pool liner in your uterus is shedding and it hurts like hell. thats why u own cramps girl i live with my dad too we girls have cramps when our interval is coming or when we exercise without stretching.
Thats a good request for information.
I dont know
Sorry i wasnt much help

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