My parents won’t permit me wear a bra?!!?

Well, basically I’m 14 years old and for ages I’ve found everything really discomfited. i hate PE becuase eveything bounces and I hate varying in the changing rooms because I know everyone discussions about me not wearing a bra. i have tryed unfolding my mum so many times but she just say that i am being stupid and i dont need one, althought i really have an idea that i do (becuase it hurts when i run). So now I am thinking maybe to buy one myself but the entity is, firstly, I have no money (and I don’t know how much one costs), secondly, I don’t know what size I am and I don’t know how the sizes work, thirdly, the nearest shopping centre is 1 hour away by bus and, lastly, my parents wont agree to me go anywhere on my own so, even if I did go shopping next to my friends I wont be able to get a bra minus my friends asking questions and then gossip afterwards. I even tried stealing one of my mums’ bras but they were WAY too big for me so now I don’t know what to do! =’(
please aid! thank you so much!!


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sneak out, you can get a bra from walmart for like 10 dollars. Or surrounded by the worst case you could ask to borrow one of your friends bra's. But your mum should know its time for you to grow up and become a woman

Why wont she do it for me!?

Stop asking them for a little bit and afterwards ask them again. Don't keep bugging them about it if they vote no. Also, maybe you don't really need a bra, and conceivably you just think you obligation one because everyone else has one. And if you do need one but they won't tolerate you get one, ask them to get you a cami.Also, if your friends are going to snitch about how you went to turn and get a bra with them, THEY'RE NOT YOUR FRIENDS! Go get hold of some new ones!

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ask your mom to buy you a tank top next to a built in bra underneath. it's a tank top that have a little bra built underneath. lie to your mom and exaggerate things. if your mom asks how your arts school went, say, horrible, and if she asks why, say-so that boys were staring at your chest because you werent wearing a bra. or wear a lot of cistern tops

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talk to your coach and let her know your problem and see if she will dispatch a note to your mom saying you necessitate a bra for Gym class, to avoid injury to your pectorial muscles due to your breast bouncing.

Or tell your mom that kids are making fun of you or that the boys are trying to look down your shirt because the know you do not have a bra on.

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How just about suggesting a compromise to your parents? A sports bra! Not the same look as a regular bra but it will support you when you run. They come in small, prevailing conditions, large and x-large (and a lot of colors). I wear them most of the time and just switch to a regular bra when I dress up.
By the way, I bought my daughter one for her first bra when she was 12 and started to develope! She's 23 presently and still swears by them for every day wear!

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How to solve your problem...
Get a fiver or tenner.
Then go on the bus near one of your cousins or close friends.
Once you are in the shop there will most promising be a sizing service, ask, and they will measure you. Buy one of the right size! Lol!
Hope this game plan help! Trust me, I'm 12 and needed one last year... The only means of access is to sand your ground!
Good luck!


Why don't i enjoy my interval?

Your mom is being ridiculas. She should know that girls need bras. I get my first one at 10 years old because I really needed one.

You need to stand your ground. Ask her, "Would you to some extent me show of my breasts to the world?" That would leave her thinking. If she refuses, do you own an aunt or sister, or even Grandma that lives near you? Call her and maybe she could rob you shopping.

Good luck.

My cramps!!?

It hurts when you run because they are growing, and I'm kinda in the same situation, but my mom let me wear tank tops, so I do instead of a bra, I think you should wear a reservoir top unless it's uncomfortable, and if it is I don't know what else to say.

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1) try to bring a job (baby sitting). 2)Go to, they have a size chart. 3)Get a ride next to your friends. 4)Just got with your friends, and close the eyes to them, who cares what they say, freshly go with the best. The end thing you want to do is try your moms! Trust me! I had equal exact problem, don't worry, I was really disconcerted in gym too! Target has really comfortable bras! they're one and only $6.00! I wear them every day.

Girls what do you have an idea that?

same problem here.
go to american eagles website. next go to aerie and they have a chart and guide that shows you how you can enlighten what your size is. then you get money somehow and if you cant walk to the store ask one of your clsoe friends to get you one. if you go to target its similar to $5 for one.

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Ask one of your friends to give you a bra or let you borrow it. (if you don't know how the sizes work only just ask the friend who has like, alike sized boobs as you.) But that sucks about your parents. They should really know that you need one by very soon.

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try asking your mom for sports bras
or maybe even the tank tops that have the built in bra...when u go to the store again simply pick out one (tank w/ bra) and ask your mom to buy it for you..dont point out the fact that it has a "hidden" bra on the inside.

Weird pains...?

resourcefully ithink you need a bra because if when you are running it hurts you need a bra so dont disrespect your parents simply sit down and talk to your mom face to obverse and see what happens good luck

Girls i have need of you comfort?

ok first bad to measure at stores there are individuals that help they no what to do second just pretend u are council a friend. now just dont travel to expensive places like victorias secret. if this doesnt work buy a container top with built in bra

Is it undisruptive?

swot to live with it. when you are ready your mum will buy you a bra. a short time ago sit and talk with her and speak about her what you told "us" x

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that sucks. just tell them what you newly wrote. best of luck.

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Why wouldn't your mom want you wearing a bra? That is apart of being a young woman. I'm pretty sure she wear one.

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make her read this question

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poor girl i discern for u.

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order one online

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Aww, I'm so sorry! If you bounce , its prolly safe to articulate your prolly a B or higher. Google bra sizes. Its not hard to integer them out. You know, its not as embaressing as it seems. I was approaching that. I hated changing at college cuz i didnt wear one either, so i changed in the bathroom. Find out your size on google, and afterwards talk to like your closest friends mom. If their really your friends, they will try to serve you right? Are you close to any of their moms? Im sure they will help you out! <3!

UTI? Something else? Just a bit too worried, even though this have be going on for a while?

Please try to explain all of this to your mom. Are you close next to a grandparent? Maybe they can help you with this.

As for size, win the sear catalog, they have really good instructions for measure yourself so you know what to buy.

BTW- what would happen if you walked around holding your breasts, one contained by each hand. If your parents complain, next tell them they are hurting from flopping around, and you are tired of the boys staring at your free bosom. Maybe that will get your mom motivated to frontage reality

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Have you told your mom that your breasts hurt when you run? I sympathize with you: mothers can be hard-headed sometimes. They appear to think that wearing a bra is synonymous with you becoming an mature and growing "away" from them. They are scared of it.

You need to report to your mother that you are the best judge of what your body is telling you. If she refuse to listen, talk to your dad...I'm serious! Or an aunt, or an older cousin.I'm assuming you don't own an older sister.or a female coach you feel comfortable with. You shouldn't enjoy to "steal" one or even find a way to "sneak" one. At the age of fourteen, you probably do need to wear a bra...most girls do. If not for comfort, than for may mention that to your mother, too.

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I did not read be any one else suggested this but how about a sports bra? They are a little more surrounded by cost and flexibility but are supportive also. they can fit into your PE class. They can do the trick. Besides at 14 I would think more would be showing than just breast. The boys are for ever going to be looking at your nipples and you can never enjoy a conversation with any one with out them looking at them but more so if no bra is surrounded by place. I'm surprised your folks just don't see that their little girl is not a little girl any more, don't you enjoy periods now or some type of spotting?

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