My cramps!!?

So I have been have really bad cramps for about an hour and a partly now...I took midol like an hour ago and they wont stir away...what else can I do to help them?


Is it middle-of-the-road to touch sick after your first time?

Ive read that bananas actually backing cramps. Maybe try eating a banana.
Take ibuprofen or motrin. Midol only works for so long past it stops.
Hope you feel better.

Sore breasts within elderly?

Run on a treadmill. Works EVERYTIME! running releases endorfins which makes you beaming and relieves muscle tension (the uterus is a muscle)

Lump beneath armpit?

i would lay down and watch t.v to catch ur mind off of it! also hot bathsss takes away the spasm for a while. maybe take some sleeping pills so u can sleep

Would vomiting 2 days after taking the morning after pill affect it?

Heating wipe is Gods gift to women.

Sharp pains surrounded by my stomach and surrounded by my spinal column..going to the bathroom every time I chomp through...what could this be?

take a heat up bath

Do women's vagina's ever bring tight again after childbirth?

Does your interval stop within dampen?
Birth control examine, please comfort!!?
I am 51.5 kg (8 st / 113 lbs). Can any woman elevate and pass me?
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