My cramps!!?
Is it middle-of-the-road to touch sick after your first time?
Ive read that bananas actually backing cramps. Maybe try eating a banana.Take ibuprofen or motrin. Midol only works for so long past it stops.
Hope you feel better.
Run on a treadmill. Works EVERYTIME! running releases endorfins which makes you beaming and relieves muscle tension (the uterus is a muscle)
i would lay down and watch t.v to catch ur mind off of it! also hot bathsss takes away the spasm for a while. maybe take some sleeping pills so u can sleep
Would vomiting 2 days after taking the morning after pill affect it?
Heating wipe is Gods gift to women.take a heat up bath
Do women's vagina's ever bring tight again after childbirth?
Does your interval stop within dampen?
Birth control examine, please comfort!!?
I am 51.5 kg (8 st / 113 lbs). Can any woman elevate and pass me?