My breasts are itchy ? please backing ?

im 16, im not pregnant, and my breasts are C cups .. i dont know if that is why im having breast itches .. but my breasts own been itchy, mainly my disappeared one, for about a month now .. and i havent used a different body soap or laundry detergeant or antyhing similar to that .. can breast cancer be diagnosed at any age? i hope thats not what i have .. but yeah .. thanks for your responses ^^

Question bout menopause?

I would suppose that maybe they are growing but I would see if taking some benadryl helps

Ladies grill?

possibly it's just because the weather's getting warmer and your skin is dry. try moisturizing after you shower everyday. best of luck. that sounds similar to it would annoy. i don't think breast cancer could be the cause but who know. when i was around seventeen i had a benign tumor surrounded by my right breast. my breasts itched too but that was only because i be tanning every day. not connected with the tumor item. anyway... my doctor said that cancer can occur when you're that young but it is incredibly singular and unlikely. i would go and have a screening if i be in your shoes. not a mammogram because if you do have a tumor approaching i had it could make it worse. own a sonogram instead.

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Could just be from sweating. I get that adjectives the time if I where a bra for too long. Try not wearing one while at home and see if the itching stops.

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water too hot surrounded by shower etc. there is stuff i saw advertised on tve that get rid of itchy feelings under the breast etc. from the chemist. if unsure shift to a female doctor.

What to do next to my adjectives..??

I hope this helps

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resourcefully i would say theyre growing but i doubt urs are still growing...idk maybe a impetuous or allergies? talk to a doctor i would say.

Youngest age to start?

Well that sucks resembling someone else said try taking some Benadryl. Maybe if you had a Bf he would scratch them for you lol.

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it could b the cloth. certain materials can break a person out.

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Could this be heart disease?

Use Lotion...

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i only just put lotion on it. it soothes it.

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Do you have a rash near? Talk to a doctor

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i think its dead skin when u scrach them does white little flackes come stale

Curious next to trinessa birth control pills.?

So scratch them.
get over it

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