Menstrual cycle it serious?

My menses started when I was ten years old. From consequently till now my menses come at least for ten days (from the forth they dwindle...on sixth it dosen't come only...but again on seventh they grow more and stop on 10th or 11th day) and also they are very irregular...anytime achieve preponed or postponed. I read in a newspaper that for girls of my age it is it really normal?

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Think of it this way, childish girls hormone levels are trying to even out - become normal. when this happen, your periods will be "normal". right now they are not. hope this help.

I'm going for my first gyno call in soon?

It is actually normal. Everyone have a different cycle and as long as it's a pattern then that's usually simply how it is for you. If you wanted to moderate it, you could go on birth control pills. It make your period lighter and more regulated. It's a good conception to go in for a pap smear etc once a year, ask your gyno roughly speaking options to regulate your menstrual cyle, or just dance on with it how it is.

What age do you hold to verbs nearly age spots?

I can't really help if I don't know how prehistoric you are, but if ur not much older than that then i'm sure its fine. Its normail when you first get hold of ur periods for them to be irregular.

I stipulation your assist please?

Yes, it is normal.

Fertility interview?

this is norm motive every woman is different

What's Wrong near me?

yes baby
it will get steady surrounded by the coming days/months

Help wats wrong near me?

It snormal!
Take a chil pil yaar!!

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